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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 15 John Bartlett

Atomies, team of little, 104.
Atoms, fortuitous concourse of, 284.
into ruins hurled, 315.
or systems, 315.
Atossa cursed with granted prayer, 321.
Atrocious crime of being young, 376.
Attack is the reaction, 372.
Attain her, in hope to, 28.
unto, that which I could, 1029.
Attains the shore, the fragile skiff, 810.
the utmost round, 111.
Attempt and not the deed, 119.
by fearing to, 47.
the end, 203.
Attendance, to dance,101.
Attending ears, 106.
strictly to business, 796.
Attention like deep harmony, 81.
still as night, 227.
Attentive to his own applause, 327.
Attic bird trills her notes, 241.
taste, light and choice of, 252.
tragedies, 254.
Atticus were he, 327.
Attire be comely, let thy, 32.
walk in silk, 861.
wild in their, 116.
Attitude in life, proper, 930.
Attraction robs the vast sea, 109.
Attractive grace. sweet, 232.
kind of grace, 23.
metal more, 138.
Attribute of God, 460.
power but his, 793.
to awe and majesty, 64.
to God himself, 64.
Attunes the spheres, with one breath, 722.
Auburn locks ye golden curls, 689.
loveliest village, 395.
Audacious unconsciously, 772.
Audience, his look drew, 227.
fit, though few, 236.
Aught in malice, nor set down, 156.
in the world beside, 452.
that dignifies humanity, 606.
that ever I could read, 57.
Augur schœnobates, 268.
Auld acquaintance, should, 449.
but just rubbed his, poll, 590.
claes, gars, 447.
moon in her arm, 404.
nature swears, 446.
Aunt or two, 799.
Aurora daughter of the dawn, 338, 342.
displayed her mantle, 972.
shows her face, 357.
Auspicious eye, an, 127.
Austrian army awfully arrayed, 875.
Authentic scripture, 310.
watch, 256.
Author choose as a friend, 278.
man of rank as an, 374.
no, ever spared a brother, 349.
of lies, the devil the, 193.
Author puts between the two covers of his book, 809.
teaches such beauty, where is any, 55.
who speaks about his own books, 625.
would his brother kill, 258.
Authors do not make acknowledgement, 902.
essayist atheist novelist play your, 683.
like coins grow dear, 329.
old, to read, 171.
shelved round us lie mummied, 761.
steal their works, most, 325.
Authority and show of truth, 52.
art made tongue-tied by, 162.
drest in a little brief, 48.
faith that stands on, is not faith, 621.
from others’ books, 54.
the basis of moral, 995.
Autograph of God, the awful, 817.
Automaton, mechanized, 567.
Autumn fruit, fell like, 276.
garner to the end of time, 705.
is the mellow time, 770.
nodding o’er the plain, 356.
passes soon away, 823.
saw old, in the misty morn, 594.
seems to cry for thee, 824.
sweetly shone, 993.
that grew more by reaping, 159.
the windy lights of, 822.
Autumn’s fire, 770.
hush, still small voice in, 650.
Autumnal leaves in Vallombrosa, 224.
leaves, thick as, 337.
Autumn-days, best lover of the, 824.
Autumn-fields, happy, 673.
Availeth, say not the struggle naught, 726.
Avarice, dreams of, 374, 378.
old men sicken with, 173.
old-gentlemanly vice, 556.
Avaunt, conscience, 296.
Avenge the patriotic gore, 813.
Avenging day, that great, 337.
Avenues of ill, seal up the, 616.
Aver’t is better than many, 843.
Aversion, begin with a little, 440.
Avilion, island-valley of, 681.
Avoid shame do not seek glory, 460.
what is to come, 141.
Avon, sweet swan of, 179.
to the Severn runs, 484.
A-wait at the gate of the west, 817.
Await no gifts from chance, who, 754.
Awake, lie ten nights, 51.
my St. John, 314.
my soul, 359.
Awakes from the tomb, 428.
Away, and Sheridan twenty miles, 751.
owes its charm to the far, 631.
pray scourge of war may pass, 661.
Awe and majesty, attribute to, 64.
of such a thing as I, 110.
the soul of Richard, 296.