
Home  »  Elizabethan Sonnets  »  The Tears of Fancie by Thomas Watson (1555–1592)

Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.

The Tears of Fancie by Thomas Watson (1555–1592)

Introductory: Goe Idle lines vnpolisht rude and base
I.  In prime of youthly yeares as then not wounded
II.  Long time I fought, and fiercely waged warre
III.  Shee smild to see her sonne in such a rage
IV.  Tho taking in her lap the God of loue
V.  Hopeles and helpeles too, poore loue amated
VI.  Then on the sodaine fast away he fled
VII.  Now Loue triumphed hauing got the day
VIII.  O what a life is it that Louers ioy
XVII.  Then from her fled my hart in sorrow wrapped
XVIII.  Tho with a showre of teares I entertained
XIX.  My hart impos’d this penance on mine eies
XX.  My hart accus’d mine eies and was offended
XXI.  Fortune forwearied with my bitter mone
XXII.  I saw the obiect of my pining thought
XXIII.  Aye me that loue wants power to pierce the hart
XXIV.  Still let me liue forlorne and die disdained
XXV.  The priuate place which I did choose to waile
XXVI.  It pleasd my Mistris once to take the aire
XXVII.  The banke whereon I leand my restles head
XXVIII.  Fast flowing teares from watery eies abounding
XXIX.  Taking a truce with teares sweete pleasures foe
XXX.  About the well which from mine eies did flow
XXXI.  I wrote vpon there sides to eke their plaining
XXXII.  Those whose kind harts sweet pittie did attaint
XXXIII.  Some say that women loue for to be praised
XXXIV.  Why liue I wretch and see my ioyes decay
XXXV.  Amongst the Idle toyes that tosse my brayne
XXXVI.  My waterie eies let fall no trickling teares
XXXVII.  Where may I now my carefull corps conuay
XXXVIII.  O would my loue although too late lament mee
XXXIX.  Here end my sorrow, no here my sorrow springeth
XL.  The common ioye, the cheere of companie
XLI.  Imperious loue who in the prime of youth
XLII.  O thou that rulest in Ramnis golden gate
XLIII.  Long haue I swome against the wished waue
XLIV.  Long haue I sued to fortune death and loue
XLV.  When neither sighs nor sorrowes were of force
XLVI.  My Mistres seeing her faire counterfet
XLVII.  Behold deare Mistres how each pleasant greene
XLVIII.  The tender buds whom cold hath long kept in
XLIX.  Diana and her nimphs in siluane brooke
L.  Hand, hart and eie, tucht thought and did behold
LI.  Each tree did boast the wished spring times pride
LII.  Each Creature ioyes Appollos happie sight
LIII.  In clowdes she shines and so obscurely shineth
LIV.  Blame me not deere loue though I talke at randon
LV.  My loue more bright than Cinthias horned head
LVI.  Were words dissolued to sighs, sighs into teares
LVII.  The hunted Hare sometime doth leaue the Hound
LVIII.  When as I marke the ioy of euery wight
LIX.  Oft haue I raild against loue many waies
LX.  Who taught thee first to sigh Alasse sweet heart?