Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
The Tears of FancieSonnet XXIX. Taking a truce with teares sweete pleasures foe
Thomas Watson (15551592)T
I thus began hard by the fountayne side:
O deere copartner of my wretched woe,
No sooner saide but woe poore eccho cride.
Then I againe what woe did thee betide,
That can be greater than disdayne, disdayne:
Quoth eccho. Then sayd I O womens pride,
Pride answered echo. O inflicting payne,
When wofull eccho payne agayne repeated,
Redoubling sorrow with a sorrowing sound:
For both of vs were now in sorrow seated,
Pride and disdaine disdainefull pride the ground.
That forst poore Eccho mourne ay sorrowing euer,
And me lament in teares ay ioyning neuer.