Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
The Tears of FancieSonnet LII. Each Creature ioyes Appollos happie sight
Thomas Watson (15551592)E
And feede them selues with his fayre beames reflecting.
Nyght wandering trauelers at Cinthias sight,
Clere vp their clowdy thoughts fond fere reiecting
But darke disdayne eclipsed hath my sun,
VVhose shining beames my wandering thought were guiding,
For want whereof my little worlde is done
That I vnneath can stay my mind from sliding:
O happie birds that at your pleasure maie,
Behold the glorious light of sols a raies:
Most wretched I borne in some dismall daie,
That cannot see the beames my sun displaies,
My glorious sun in whome all vertue shrowds,
That light the world but shines to me in clowds.