Henry Gray (1825–1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
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Porta of liver, 1191. Portal vein, 681. development of, 681. Postanal gut, 1110. Postaxial borders of limbs, 71. Postcentral sulcus, 822. Postcornu, 831. Posterior annular ligament, 458. basis bundle, 764. calcaneoastragaloid ligament, 352. circumflex artery, 589. common ligament, 288. cornu of medulla spinalis, 753. costotransverse ligament, 302. cricoarytenoid muscle, 1082. deep cervical vein, 651. dental artery, 562. ground bundle, 764. inferior ligament, 348. interosseous artery, 596. nerve, 944. ligament, 327. pillar of fauces, 1137. proper fasciculus, 764. pulmonary nerves, 913. radial carpal artery, 594. radioulnar ligament, 325. sacrosciatic ligament, 309. scapular artery, 582. nerve, 932. superior ligament, 348. talotibial ligament, 350. temporal artery, 559. ulnar carpal artery, 598. vertebral vein, 651. Postero-lateral ganglionic arteries, 581. Postero-medial ganglionic arteries, 547, 581. Postgemina, 806. Postnodular fissure, 790. Postpartum hemorrhage, 64. Postpyramidal fissure, 790. Postsphenoid part of sphenoid, 152. Pouch of Douglas, 1152. of Prussak, 1046. of Rathke, 1277. Pouches, pharyngeal, 65. Poupart’s ligament, 411. Præputium clitoridis, 1266. Preauricular lymph glands, 693. point, 1291. sulcus of ilium, 234. Preaxial borders of limbs, 71. Precentral gyre, 821. sulcus, 821. Prechordal portion of base of fetal skull, 84. Precommissure, 840. Precornu, 830. Precuneus, 823. Pregemina, 806. Premaxilla, 126. Premolar teeth, 1118. Preoccipital notch, 818. Prepatellar bursa, 471. Prepuce of clitoris, 1266. of penis, 1250. development of, 1215. Preputial glands, 1250. sac, 1250. Prepyramidal fissure, 790. tract, 761. Presphenoid, 152. Pressure epiphyses, 95. Presternal notch, 120. Pretracheal fascia, 390. Prevertebral fascia, 389. part of base of skull, 84. Primary areolæ of bone, 93. oöcytes, 38. spermatocytes, 43. Primitive aortæ, 506. Primitive atrium, 508, 512. costal arches, 82. digestive tube, 53. fibrillæ of Schultze, 725. groove, 47. jugular veins, 520. ova, 1209. palate, 70. segments, 52. sheath of nerve fiber, 727. streak, 47. urogenital ostium, 1215. ventricle of heart, 508. Princeps cervicis artery, 557. pollicis artery, 595. Prismata adamantina, 1120. Promanion, 47. Procerus muscle, 382. action of, 382. nerves of, 382. Process or Processes, alveolar, 161. articular, of vertebræ, 96. ciliary, 1010. clinoid, 147, 151, 190. condyloid, of mandible, 174. coracoid, 207. coronoid, of mandible, 174. of ulna, 214. costal, 98. descending, of lacrimal, 164. of dura mater, 873. frontal, of maxilla, 161. frontonasal, 67. frontosphenoidal, of zygomatic, 164. globular, of His, 68. of inferior nasal concha, 169. intrajugular, 131. jugular, 131, 181. lateral nasal, 68. lenticular, of incus, 1045. malar, of maxilla, 161. mastoid, 141. maxillary, of fetus, 69. of inferior nasal concha, 169. of palatine bone, 168. of zygomatic bone, 166. muscular, of arytenoid, 1075. nasal, of frontal bone, 136. of maxilla, 161. odontoid, of axis or epistropheus, 100. orbital, of palatine bone, 168. of zygomatic bone, 165. palatal, of maxilla, 162. palatine, of fetus, 70. of maxilla, 162. papillary, of liver, 1191. paramastoid, 131. petrosal, 147. phalangeal, of Corti’srods, 1057. pterygoid, of sphenoidal bone, 151. pyramidal, of palatine bone, 168, 180. sphenoidal, of palatine bone, 169. of septal cartilage of nose, 993. turbinated, 152. spinous, of ilium, 234. of vertebræ, 96. styloid, of fibula, 260. of radius, 220. of temporal bone, 145, 181. of ulna, 218. temporal, of zygomatic, 166. transverse, of vertebræ, 96. trochlear, of calcaneus, 266. uncinate, of ethmoid, 155. vaginal, of sphenoid, 151. of temporal, 144, 145. vermiform, 1178. of vertebræ, 106. vocal, of arytenoid, 1075. Process or Processes, xiphoid, 121. zygomatic, of frontal, 136. of maxilla, 161. of temporal bone, 139. Processus alveolaris [maxillæ], 161. brevis [malleus], 1044. ciliares, 1010. cochleariformis, 145, 1042. condyloideus [mandibulæ], 174. coracoideus [scapulæ], 207. coronoideus [mandibulæ], 174. [ulnare], 214. frontalis [maxillæ], 161. gracilis [malleus], 1044. orbitalis [os palatinum], 168. palatinus [maxillæ], 162. pterygoidei, 151. pyramidalis [os palatinum], 168. spinosus, 97. splenoidalis [os palatinum], 169. transversi, 97. tubarius, 152. vermiformis, 1178. xiphoideus, 121. zygomaticus, 161. Proctodeum, 1110. Prodentin, 1123. Profunda arteries, 591. brachii artery, 591. cervicalis artery, 585. femoris artery, 629. vein, 672. linguæ artery, 553. Projection fibers of cerebral hemisheres, 842. Prominence of aqueduct of Fallopius, 1042. of facial canal, 1042. laryngeal, 1073. Prominentia canalis facialis, 1042. Promontorium, 1042. Promontory of tympanic cavity, 1042. Pronator quadratus muscle, 449. actions of, 450. nerves of, 450. variations of, 450. teres muscle, 446. actions of, 450. nerves of, 450. variations of, 446. Pronephric duct, 1205. Pronephros, 1205. Pronucleus, female, 42. male, 45. Proötic center of temporal bone, 146. Prophase of karyokinesis, 37. Prosencephalon, 51, 807. Prostata, 1251. Prostate, 1251. development of, 1213. gland, 1251. lobes of, 1252. lymphatic capillaries of, 687. vessels of, 713. nerves of, 1253. structure of, 1253. vessels of, 1253. Prostatic ducts, orifices of, 1234. plexus of nerves, 988. portion of urethra, 1234. sinus, 1234. utricle, 1234. Prosthion, 198. Prothrombin, 505. Protoplasm, 35. Protoplasmic process of nerve cells, 723. Protuberance, mental, 172. occipital, 129, 130, 183. Prussak, pouch of, 1046. Psalterium, 838. Pseudocele, 840. Pseudonucleoli, 37.