Henry Gray (1825–1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
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Pharyngopalatine arch, 1137. Pharyngopalatinus muscle, 1139. Pharynx, 1141. aponeurosis of, 1143. development of, 1103. laryngeal part of, 1142. lymphatic vessels of, 698. mucous coat of, 1144. muscles of, 1142. actions of, 1143. nerves of, 1143. nasal part of, 1141. oral part of, 1142. structure of, 1143. Philtrum, 385. Phrenic arteries, 601, 612. nerve, 928. plexus of nerves, 985. veins, 666, 679. Phrenicocolic ligament, 1158. Phrenicocostal sinus, 1089. Phrenicolienal ligament, 1155. Phrenicopericardiac ligament, 678. Phylogeny, 35. Pia of brain, 879. of cord, 879. mater, cranial, 879. encephali, 879. spinal, 879. spinalis, 879. Pigment of iris, 1013. of skin, 1064. Pigmented layer of retina, 1015. Pili, 1067. Pillars of Corti, 1056. of external abdominal ring, 410. of fauces, 1112. of fornix, 838, 840. Pineal body, 812, 1277. structure of, 1277. recess, 743, 816. Pinna, 1033. cartilage of, 1034. ligaments of, 1035. Piriformis muscle, 476. actions of, 478. fascia of, 421. nerves of, 478. variations of, 476. Pisiannularis muscle, 464. Pisiform bone, 225. Pisimetacarpus muscle, 464. Pisiuncinatus muscle, 464. Pisohamate ligament, 329. Pisometacarpal ligament, 329. Pits, olfactory, 68. Pituitary body, 814, 1257. Pivot-joint, 285. Placenta, 62. circulation through, 63, 540. cotyledons of, 63. fetal portion of, 62. maternal portion of, 62. previa, 64. separation of, 64. Plane, intertubercular, 1147. subcostal, 1148. transpyloric, 1147. Plantar aponeurosis, 490. arch, 639. arteries, 639. cutaneous venous arch, 669. digital veins, 671. fascia, 490. interossei muscles, 495. ligament, long, 354. metatarsal arteries, 640. nerves, 963. Plantaris muscle, 483. actions of, 483. Plantaris muscle, nerves of, 483. Planum nuchale, 120. occipitale, 130. Plasma cells, 377. Plate or Plates, cribriform, of ethmoid, 153. ethmoidal, 85. orbital, of frontal, 137. perpendicular, of ethmoid, 154. pterygoid, of sphenoid, 151. tarsal, 1025. Platelets of blood, 505. Platysma muscle, 388. action of, 388. nerves of, 388. Pleura, 1087. cavity of, 1088. cervical, 1088. costal, 1088. cupula of, 1088. diaphragmatic, 1088. lymphatic vessels of, 719. mediastinal, 1088. nerves of, 1090. parietal, 1087. pericardial, 1088. pulmonary, 1087. reflections of, 1088. structure of, 1090. surface markings of, 1309. vessels of, 1090. Pleural cavity, lymphatic capillaries in, 684. Plexiform layers of retina, 1016. Plexus of nerves, annular, 1009. aortic abdominal, 987. Auerbach’s, 1177. brachial, 930. cardiac, 984. cavernous, 978. celiac, 985. cervical, 925. posterior, 912, 922, 923. choroid, of fourth ventricle, 798. of lateral ventricle, 840. of third ventricle, 815. coccygeal, 968. of cornea, 1009. coronary, 985, 987. esophageal, 913. of Exner, 846. gastric, 987. hemorrhoidal, 987. hepatic, 986. hypogastric, 987. infraorbital, 891. internal carotid, 977. lienal, 986. lumbar, 948. lumbosacral, 948. Meissner’s, 1177. mesenteric, 987. myenteric, 1177. ovarian, 987. parotid, 902. patellar, 953, 956. pelvic, 987. pharyngeal, 909, 912, 979. phrenic, 985. prostatic, 988. pudendal, 966. pulmonary, 910, 913. renal, 987. sacral, 957. solar, 985. spermatic, 987. splenic, 986. subsartorial, 956. suprarenal, 987. tonsillar, 909. tympanic, 1047. uterine, 989. vaginal, 989. vesical, 988. Plexus of veins, basilar, 660. hemorrhoidal, 676. pterygoid, 645. pudendal, 676. uterine, 676. vertebral, 668. vesical, 676. vesicoprostatic, 676. Plexus aorticus abdominalis, 987. arteriæ ovaricæ, 987. brachialis, 930. cardiacus, 984. caroticus internus, 977. cavernosus, 978. cervicalis, 925. chorioideus ventriculi, 840, 841. cæliacus, 985. coronarius, 985. gastricus superior, 987. hepaticus, 986. hypogastricus, 987. lienalis, 986. lumbalis, 949. lumbosacralis, 948. mesentericus inferior, 987. phrenicus, 985. prostaticus, 988. pudendus, 966. renalis, 987. sacralis, 957. spermaticus, 987. suprarenalis, 987. venosi basilaris 660. hæmorrhoidalis, 676. pterygoideus, 645. pudendalis, 676. vertebrales, 668. vesicalis, 676. Plica circulares [Kerkringi], 1173. fimbriata [tongue], 1125. gubernatrix, 1211. lacrimalis of Hasner, 1029. semilunaris [conjunctiva], 1028. [tonsil], 1138. sublingualis, 1136. triangularis [tonsil], 1138. vascularis, 1211. vesicalis transversa, 1154. Plicæ uretericæ, 1232. ventriculares [laryngis], 1079. vocales, 1080. Pneumogastric nerve, 910. Polar bodies or polocytes, 40. Poles of cerebral hemispheres, 818. of eyeball, 1001. of lens, 1019. Polymorphonuclear leucocytes, 504. Polyspermy, 45. Pomum Adami, 1073. Pons, 785. development of, 740. hepatis, 1191. structure of, 785. Varoli, 785. Ponticulus [auricula], 1034. Pontine arteries, 580. Pontospinal fasciculus, 872. Popliteal artery, 632. branches of, 633. peculiarities of, 633. surface marking of, 1346. fossa or space, 631. line of tibia, 258. lymph glands, 701. nerves, 960, 964. surface of femur, 246. vein, 672. Popliteus muscle, 484. actions of, 486. minor, 485. nerves of, 486. variations of, 485. Pore, gustatory, 991.