Henry Gray (1825–1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
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Pseudopodium, 505. Psoas magnus muscle, 467. major muscle, 467. actions of, 467. fascia covering, 466. nerves of, 467. minor muscle, 467. actions of, 467. nerves of, 467. parvus muscle, 467. Pterion, 151, 182, 198. ossicle, 156. Pterotic center of temporal bone, 146. Pterygoid canal, 151, 180. fissure, 151. fossa of sphenoid, 151. hamulus, 151, 180. muscles, 386. plates, 151. plexus of veins, 645. processes of sphenoid, 151. tubercle, 152. Pterygoideus externus muscle, 386. action of, 387. nerves of, 387. internus muscle, 387. action of, 387. nerves of, 387. Pterygomandibular ligament, 384. raphé, 384. Pterygomaxillary fissure, 185. Pterygopalatine canal, 159, 168. fossa, 185. groove, 151. nerve, 893. Pterygospinousligament, 153, 388. Pubic arch, 240. bones, articulation of, 309. ligaments, 310. region, 1149. tubercle or spine, 236. vein, 673. Pubis, 236. angle of, 236. body of, 236. crest of, 236. iliopectineal eminence of, 236. obturator crest of, 236. rami of, 236. symphysis of, 310. tubercle or spine of, 236. Pubocapsular ligament, 334. Pubococcygeus muscle, 424. Pubofemoral ligament, 335. Puborectalis muscle, 424. Pubovesicales muscles, 1231. Pudendal artery, accessory, 618. internal, in female, 620. in male, 617. cleft or rima, 1256. nerve, 967. inferior, 960. plexus, nervous, 966. venous, 676. veins, internal, 673. Pudendum, 1264. Pudic arteries, 617, 629. nerve, internal, 967. veins, internal, 674. Pulmonary artery, 543. opening of, in right ventricle, 531. ligaments, 1088, 1090. nerves, 913. pleura, 1087. semilunar valves, 532. veins, 642. openings of, in left atrium 533. Pulmones, 1093. facies costalis, 1094. mediastinalis, 1095. margo anterior, 1096. Pulmones margo inferior, 1096. posterior, 1096. Pulp cavity of teeth, 1118. dental, 1118. of spleen, 1284. Pulvinar, 808. Puncta lacrimalia, 1028. vasculosa, 827. Pupil, 1012. congenital atresia of, 1003. Pupillary membrane, 1003, 1014. Purkinje, cells of, 794. fibers of, 536. Putamen, 834. Pyloric antrum, 1162, 1163. artery, 604. glands, 1166. orifice of stomach, 1162. part of stomach, 1162, 1163. valve, 1164. vein, 682. Pyramid, 1042. of cerebellum, 791. of medulla oblongata, 768. of temporal bone, 142. of vestibule, 1048. Pyramidal cells of cerebral cortex, 845. decussation, 768. eminence of tympanic cavity, 1042. lobe of thyroid gland, 1270. process of palatine bone, 168, 180. tracts, 759, 760. Pyramidalis muscle, 416. variations of, 417. nasi muscle, 382. Pyramids, renal, 1221. Pyramis medullæ oblongatæ, 768. Q Quadrate lobe of liver, 1192. Quadratus femoris muscle, 477. actions of, 478. nerves of, 478. labii inferioris muscle, 383. action of, 383. nerves of, 383. superioris muscle, 383. action of, 383. nerves of, 383. lumborum muscle, 420. actions of, 420. fascia covering, 419. nerves of, 420. variations of, 420. menti muscle, 383. plantæ muscle, 493. actions of, 496. nerves of, 496. variations of, 496. Quadriceps extensor muscle, 470. femoris muscle, 470. actions of, 471. nerves of, 471. Quadrigeminal bodies, 805. R Radial artery, 592. branches of, 594. carpal, 594. peculiarities of, 594. recurrent, 594. surface marking of, 1335. fibers of cerebral cortex, 846. fossa, 212. nerve, 943. sulcus, 211. tuberosity, 219. Radialis indicis artery, 595. Radiate ligament, 299. sternocostal ligaments, 302. Radiocarpal articulation, 327. movements of, 328. Radioulnar articulations, 324, 325. ligaments, 325. union, middle, 325. Radius, 219. grooves on lower end of, 220. oblique line of, 219. ossification of, 220. sigmoid cavity of, 220. structure of, 220. surface anatomy of, 1327. tuberosity of, 219. ulnar notch of, 220. Radix arcus vertebræ, 97. linguæ, 1125. penis, 1249. pili, 1067. pulmonis, 1097. Rami of ischium, 235. of pubis, 236. Ramus of mandible, 173. Ranine artery, 553. vein, 648, 649. Ranvier, crosses of, 727. nodes of, 727. Raphé, anococcygeal, 426. lateral palpebral, 381. of palate, 1112. pterygomandibular, 384. of scrotum, 1237. Rathke, pouch of, 1277. Receptaculum chyli, 691. Recess, epitympanic, 142, 1038. nasopalatine, 996. omental, 1156. optic, 816. pharyngeal. 1141, 1142. pineal, 743, 816. sphenoethmoidal, 195, 994. Recesses, lateral, of fourth ventricle, 797. peritoneal, 1158. of Tröltsch, 1046. Recessus-ellipticus, 1048. infundibuli, 816. intersigmoideus, 1161. pinealis, 743, 816. sacciformis, 326. sphæricus, 1047. suprapinealis, 816. Reciprocal reception, articulation by, 286. Rectal ampulla, 1183. columns of Morgagni, 1185. layer of pelvic fascia, 422. Recti muscles, actions of, 1023. nerves of, 1023. Rectococcygeal muscles, 1186. Rectouterine folds, 1260. Rectovesical excavation, 1152. folds, 1154. layer of pelvic fascia, 422. Rectovesicales muscles, 1231. Rectum, 1183. ampulla of, 1183. anal part of, 1184. development of, 1108. Houston’s valves of, 1183. lymphatic vessels of, 711. relations of, 1184. Rectus abdominis muscle, 415. sheath of, 416. capitis anterior muscle, 395. action of, 396. nerves of, 395. anticus major muscle, 395. minor muscle, 395. lateralis muscle, 395. action of, 396. nerves of, 395. posterior major muscle, 401. action of, 402. capitis posterior major muscle, nerves of, 402. minor muscle, 401. action of, 402. nerves of, 402. femoris muscle, 470. actions of, 471. nerves of, 471. muscles of eyeball, 1022.