Henry Gray (1825–1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
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Parietal bone, 133. articulations of, 135. ossification of, 233. cells of fundus glands, 1167. convolution, ascending, 823. eminence, 133, 178, 183. foramen, 134, 178. lobe, 822. gyri of, 823. notch, 141. operculum, 825. pleura, 1087. veins, 520. Parietomastoid suture, 183. Parietoöccipital fissure, 820. Parietotemporal artery, 573. Parolfactory area of Broea, 827. Paroöphoron, 1206, 1255. Parotid duct, 1134. gland, 1132. accessory part of, 1134. nerves of, 1134. structure of, 1134. surface marking of, 1295. vessels of, 1134. lymph glands, 693. plexus, 902. Parotideomasseteric fascia, 385. Parovarium, 1255. Partes genitales externæ muliebres, 1264. Parumbilical veins, 682. Patella, 255. articulation of, 256. movements of, 346. ossification of, 256. structure of, 256. surface anatomy of, 1337. Patellar plexus, 953, 956. retinacula, 340. surface of femur, 248. Pathways from brain to spinal cord, 870. Pectinate ligament of iris, 1009. Pectineal line, 246. Pectineus muscle, 472. actions of, 474. nerves of, 474. variations of, 474. Pectiniforme septum, 1248. Pectoralis major muscle, 436. actions of, 439. nerves of, 439. variations of, 438. minimus muscle, 438. minor muscle, 438. actions of, 439. nerves of, 439. variations of, 438. Peculiar thoracic vertebræ, 104. Pedicles of a vertebra, 96. Peduncle of corpus callosum, 827. of olive, 781. Peduncles of cerebellum, 792. cerebral, 800. Pedunculus cerebri, 800. Pelvic colon, 1182. diaphragm, 420. fascia of, 420. fascia, 420. endopelvic part of, 422. girdle, 200. plexuses, 987. portion of sympathetic system, 984. Pelvis, 238, 1149. articulations of, 306. axes of, 240. boundaries of, 238. brim of, 238. cavity of lesser, 239. diameters, 239, 240. in fetus, 242. greater or false, 238. inferior aperture or outlet of, 240. lesser or true, 239. ligaments of, 307, 308. linea terminalis of, 238. lymph glands of, 703. Pelvis, major, 238. male and female, differences between, 241. mechanism of, 311. minor, 239. position of, 241. renal, 1221. superior aperture or inlet of, 239. surface anatomy of, 1336. Penis, 1247. body of, 1249. corona glandis, 1249. corpora cavernosa, 1248. corpus cavernosum urethræ, or corpus spongiosum, 1248. crura of, 1248. deep artery of, 620. dorsal artery of, 620. veins of, 676. extremity of, 1250. fundiform ligament of, 1249. glands, 1248. nerves of, 1250. prepuce or foreskin of, 1250. root of, 1249. septum pectiniforme, 1248. structure of, 1250. suspensory ligament of, 1249. Perforated substance, 800, 827. Perforating arteries, of hand, 595. from internal mammary, 584. from plantar, 640. from profunda femoris, 631. cutaneous nerve, 967. fibers of Sharpey, 90. Perforator of spermatozoön, 42. Pericardiacophrenic artery, 584. Pericardial area, 46. lymphatic capillaries in, 684. arteries, 584, 600. pleura, 1089. Pericardium, 524. fibrous, 526, 526. nerves of, 526. oblique sinus of, 526. relations of, 525. serous, 525. structure of, 525. transverse sinus of, 526. vessels of, 526. vestigial fold of, 526. Pericecal folds, 1160. fossæ, 1160. Perichondrium, 279. Perilymph, 1051. Perimysium, 373. Perineal artery, 619. body, 1185. branch of fourth sacral nerve, 968. muscle, superficial transverse, 427, 430. nerve, 968. Perineum, boundaries of, 424. central tendinous point of, 427. lymphatic vessels of, 706. muscles of, 424. Perineurium, 728. Periosteum, 87. of bone, lymphatic capillaries in, 684. Peripheral end-organs, 1059. nervous system, 728. organs of special senses, 991. terminations of nerves of general sensations, 1059. Periscleral lymph space, 1024. Peritoneal cavity, 1150. lymphatic capillaries in, 684. fossæ or recesses, 1158. sacs, 1150, 1152, 1155. Peritoneum, 1149. epiploic foramen of, 1156. lesser sac of, 1155. Peritoneum, ligaments of, 1156. main cavity or greater sac of, 1150. horizontal disposition of, 1153, 1154, 1155. vertical disposition of, 1150. mesenteries, 1157. omenta, 1156. omental bursa of, 1155. vertical disposition of, 1152. parietal portion of, 1150. visceral portion of, 1150. Permanent cartilage, 279. choanæ, 70. kidney, 1211. teeth, 1115. development of, 1124. Peronæi muscles, actions of, 488. nerves of, 487. variations of, 487. Peronæus accessorius muscle, 487. brevis muscle, 487. longus muscle, 486. quartus muscle, 487. quinti digiti muscle, 487. tertius muscle, 482. actions of, 482. nerves of, 482. Peroneal arteries, 638. nerves, 964, 965. retinacula, 489. septa, 480. Peroneocalcaneus externus muscle, 487. internus muscle, 485. Peroneocuboideus muscle, 487. Peroneotibialis muscle, 485. Perpendicular fasciculus, 844. line of ulna, 218. plate of ethmoid, 154. Pes or base of cerebral peduncle, 802. hippocampi, 833. Petit, canal of, 1019. triangle of, 434. Petroöccipital fissure, 181. Petrosal nerve, deep, 892. external, 979. large deep, 892. superficial, 892, 903. superficial, greater, 892, 903. smaller, 1047. process, 147. sinuses, 648, 659. Petrosphenoidal fissure, 181. Petrosquamous sinus, 658. suture, 142, 145. Petrotympanic fissure, 140, 180. Petrous ganglion, 908. portion of temporal bone, 142. Peyer’s glands, 1176. patches, 1176. Phalangeal processes of Corti’s rods, 1058. Phalanges digitorum manus, 230. pedis, 275. of foot, 275. articulations of, 359. ossification of, 275. of hand, 230. articulations of, 333. ossification of, 231. ungual, 275. Pharyngeal aponeurosis, 1143. artery, ascending, 557. bursa, 1142. grooves, 65. membrane, 1101. nerve from glossopharyngeal, 909. from sphenopalatine ganglion, 893. from vagus, 911. ostium of auditory tube, 1141. plexus of nerves, 909, 912, 979. pouches, 65. recess, 1142. tonsil, 1142. tubercle, 132, 180. veins, 649.