Henry Gray (1825–1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
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Obliquis oculi muscles, actions of, 1023. nerves of, 1023. auriculæ muscle, 1035. capitis inferior muscle, 402. action of, 402. nerves of, 402. capitis superior muscle, 402. action of, 402. nerves of, 402. externus abdominis muscle, 409. variations of, 412. inferior muscle, 402. internus abdominis muscle, 412. variations of, 414. oculi inferior muscle, 1023. superior muscle, 1022. superior muscle, 402. Obliterated ductus venosus, 681. hypogastric artery, 615. umbilical vein, 681, 1150. Obturator artery, 616. crest, 236. externus muscle, 477. actions of, 478. nerves of, 478. foramen, 237. groove, 237. internus muscle, 477. actions of, 478. fascia of, 420. nerves of, 478. lymph gland, 704. membrane, 476. nerve, 953. accessory, 955. tubercle, 237. vein, 676. Occipital artery, 556. bone, 129. articulations of, 133. basilar part of, 132. lateral parts of, 131. ossification of, 132. squama of, 129. structure of, 123. condyles, 131. crest, internal, 131, 193. fossæ, 131. groove, 141, 181. lobe, 823. lymph glands, 692. nerve, 923, 926. point, 198. protuberance, 129, 130, 182, 183. sinus, 658. sulcus, 823. triangle, 394, 565. vein, 646. Occipitalis muscle, actions of, 380. nerves of, 380. variations of, 380. Occipitoaxial ligaments, 296. Occipitofrontal fasciculus, 844. Occipitofrontalis muscle, 378. Occipitomastoid suture, 183. Occipitotemporal convolution, 823. Ocular muscles, 1021. Oculomotor sulcus, 801. nerve, 884. composition and central connections of, 863. sympathetic efferent fibers of, 970. Odontoblasts, 1118, 1123. Odontoid ligaments, 296. process of axis, 100. Olecranon, 214. fossa, 212. Olfactory areas, 67. bulb, 826, 848. structure of, 848. cells, 996. fasciculus, 840. hair, 996. lobe, 826. nerves, 881. composition and central connections of, 866. development of, 1001. Olfactory pits, 68. projection fibers, 869. sulcus, 822. tract, 826. trigone, 827. Oliva, 769. Olive, 769. peduncle of, 781. Olivary body, 769. nucleus, 781, 787. Olivospinal fasciculus, 854. Omental bursa, 1152, 1155. recess, 1156. Omentum, gastrocolic, 1157. gastrohepatic, 1156. greater, 1157. lesser, 1156. small, 1156. Omohyoid muscle, 394. Omohyoideus muscle, 394. action of, 394. nerves of, 394. variations of, 394. Ontogeny, 35. Oöcytes, 38, 41. Oögonia, 34. Oöplasm, 39. Opening of aorta in left ventricle, 534. aortic, in diaphragm, 406. caval, in diaphragm, 406. of coronary sinus, 530. esophageal, in diaphragm, 406. of inferior vena cava, 530. of pulmonary artery, 531. veins, 533. saphenous, 468. of superior cava, 529. of thorax, 524. Openings, atrioventricular, 531, 534. in roof of fourth ventricle, 798. Opercula of insula, 825. Ophryon, 198. Ophthalmic artery, 568. ganglion, 888. nerve, 887. veins, 658. Opisthion, 181, 198. Opisthotic center of temporal bone, 164. Opponens digiti quinti muscle, 464. actions of, 464. nerves of, 464. minimi digiti muscle, 464. pollicis muscle, 461. actions of, 462. nerves of, 462. variations of, 462. Optic axis, 1001. chiasma, 814, 883. commissure, 814. cup, 1001. disk, 1015. foramen, 147, 151, 190. groove, 147. nerve, 882. composition and central connections of, 864. radiations, 814. recess, 816. stalk, 742, 1001. thalamus, 808. tracts, 814, 884. vesicle, 742, 1001. Ora serrata, 1014, 1018. Oral cavity, 1110. part of pharynx, 1142. Orbicular ligament, 342. Orbicularis oculi muscle, 380. actions of, 381, 385. lacrimal part, 380. nerves of, 381, 385. orbital part, 380. Orbicularis oculi muscle, palpebral part, 380. bral part, 380. oris muscle, 384. palpebrarum muscle, 380. Orbiculus ciliaris muscle, 1010. Orbitæ, 188. Orbits, 188. relation of nerves in, 900. Orbital fascia, 1025. fissures, 151, 184, 189, 192. gyri, 822. index, 198. nerve, 889. operculum, 825. plates, 137. process of palatine bone, 168. of zygomatic bone, 165. septum, 1026. sulcus, 822. vein, 645. Orbitalis muscle of H. Müller, 1024. Orbitosphenoids, 151. Organ, enamel, 1123. of Giraldès, 1246. of hearing, 1029. of Rosenmüller, 1206, 1255. of sight, 1000. of smell, 992. spiral, of Corti, 1056. Organa genitalia muliebria, 1254. virilia, 1236. oculi accessoria, 1021. Organon auditus, 1029. gustus, 991. olfactorius, 992. spirale [Corti], 1056. visus, 1000. Organs of digestion, 1100. genital, of female, 1254. of male, 1236. of Golgi, 376. of the senses, 991. of taste, 991. urogenital, 1204. vomeronasal, of Jacobson, 71, 996. Orifice, atrioventricular, 531, 533. cardiac, of stomach, 1161. mitral, 534. of mouth, 1110. pyloric, of stomach, 1162. urethral, 1232, 1235, 1266. of uterus, 1259, 1260. vaginal, 1266. Orifices of ureters, 1232. Origin of muscles, 362. Os acetabuli, 238. calcis, 263. capitatum, 226. coccygis, 111. cordis, 536. coxæ, 231. articulations of, 238. ossification of, 237. structure of, 237. cuboideum, 269. cuneiforme primum, 270. secundum, 271. tertium, 271. ethmoidale, 153. frontale, 135. hamatum, 227. hyoideum, 177. ilii, 231. incisivum, 162. innominatum, 231. ischii, 234. lacrimale, 163. lunatum, 224. magnum, 227. multangulum, 225. naviculare manus, 221. pedis, 270. occipitale, 129. palatinum, 166. parietale, 133. pisiforme, 225. planum, 155. pubis, 236. sacrum, 106. sphenoidale, 147. alæ magna, 149. parva, 151. temporale, 138. trigonum, 269. triquetum, 225. zygomaticum, 164.