Henry Gray (1825–1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
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Net-work, carpal, 594. malleolar, 636. Neumann, dentinal sheath of, 1119. Neural arch, 96. canal, 50. crest, 51, 736. folds, 50. groove, 50. tube, 50. Neurenteric canal, 50. Neuroblasts, 733. Neurocentral synchondrosis, 112. Neuroglia, 722. Neuroglia of cord, 754, 755. Neurokeratin, 725. Neurolemma, 725. Neurology, 721. Neuromeres, 750. Neuromuscular spindles, 1061. Neuron theory, 732. Neurons, motor, 870. Neurotendinous spindles, 1061. Neutrophil colorless corpuscles, 504. Nidus avis of cerebellum, 791. Ninth nerve, 906. Nipple or papilla of mamma, 1267. Nissl’s granules, 723. Node, atrioventricular, 537. sinoatrial, 537. Nodes of Ranvier, 727. Nodular lobe, 790. Nodule of cerebellum, 790. Noduli lymphatici aggregati, 1176. solitarii, 1176, 1187. Nodulus vermis, 790. Non-medullated nerve fibers, 728. Normæ of skull, basalis, 179. frontalis, 185. lateralis, 182. occipitalis, 185. verticalis, 178. Normoblasts, 88. Nose, 992. accessory sinuses of, 998. alar cartilages of, 993. arteries of, 993, 996. cartilage of septum of, 992. cartilaginous frame-work of, 992. cavities of, 994. development of, 67. external, 992. lateral cartilage of, 993. lymphatics of, 695. mucous membrane of, 996. muscles of, 382. variations of, 382. nerves of, 997. veins of, 997. Notch, acetabular, 237. cardiac, 1096. cerebellar, 788. ethmoidal, 137. intertragic, 1034. jugular, 131. lacrimal, 159. mandibular, 174. mastoid, 141, 181. nasal, of frontal, 136. of maxilla, 158. parietal, 141. preoccipital, 818. presternal, 120. of Rivinus, 1038. scapular, 204. sciatic, 234. sphenopalatine, 169. superior thyroid, 1073. supraorbital, 136, 186, 189. ulnar, of radius, 220. umbilical, of liver, 1191. vertebral, 97. Notochord, 52. Nuchal line, 129, 182. Nuck, canal of, 1211, 1261. Nuclear layer of cerebellar cortex, 795. layers of retina, 1016. matrix, 36. membrane, 36. substance, 36. Nucleated sheath of Schwann, 725. Nuclei of cochlear nerve, 788, 906. of glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves, 779, 780. of oculomotor nerve, 884. Nuclei, olivary, 781. of origin of motor nerves, 881. pontis, 786. of termination of sensory nerves, 908. of trigeminal nerve, 787, 807. of vestibular nerve, 788, 881. Nucleoli, 37. Nucleus of abducent nerve, 787. of accessory nerve, 913. ambiguus, 779. amygdalæ, 835. amygdaline, 791. amygdaloid, 869. arcuatus, 782. of Bechterew, 788. caudate, 833. caudatus, 833. of a cell, 36. of Darkschewitsch, 812. of Deiters, 788, 803. dentatus [of cerebellum], 796. dorsalis, 758. emboliformis, 796. of facial nerve, 787, 902. fastigii, 796. globosus, 796. of hypoglossal nerve, 779. inferior central, 784. intercalatus, 799. of lateral lemniscus, 906. lateralis, 784. of lens, 1020. lenticular, 834. lentiform, 834. lentiformis, 834. of Luys, 812. of medial longitudinal fasciculus, 803. nervus abducentis, 787. facialis, 787. trigemini, 787. of oculomotor nerve, 807, 884. olivaris superior, 787. olivary, 781, 787. of posterior commissure, 812. pulposus, 82. red, 802. of Roller, 784. segmentation, 45. sensory, 902. trapezoid, 787. of trochlear nerve, 807, 885. of vagus nerve, 780. Nuel, space of, 1058. Nuhn, glands of, 1131. Nutrient artery of bone, 88. Nutritive yolk, 39. Nymphæ, 1265. O Obelion, 178, 198. Obex, 798. Oblique cord, 325. ligament, 325. line of fibula, 261. of mandible, 172. of radius, 219. muscles, 409, 412. inferior, 1023. superior, 1022. popliteal ligament, 340. ridge of clavicle, 200. sinus of pericardium, 526. vein of left atrium, 526, 643. of Marshall, 526, 643.