Henry Gray (1825–1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
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Gullet, 1144. Gums, 1112. Gustatory calyculi, 991. cells, 991. hair, 992. pore, 991. Gyre, medifrontal, 822. precentral, 821. subfrontal, 822. superfrontal, 821. Gyri of brain, 821. angular, 823. of Broca, 822. central, anterior, 821. posterior, 823. cingulate, 826. cuneus, 823. dentate, 827, 868. frontal, 821, 822. fusiform, 823. hippocampal, 826. of insula, 825. of limbic lobe, 825. lingual, 823. occipital, 823. orbital, 822. precuneus, 823. quadrate, 823. straight, 822. subcallosal, 827, 869. superior parietal lobule, 823. supracallosal, 827. supramarginal, 823. temporal, 824. transverse, of Heschl, 824. uncus, 826. Gyrus of Broca, 822. centralis anterior, 821. posterior, 823. cinguli, 825. dentatus, 827. epicallosus, 827. frontalis inferior, 822. medius, 822. superior, 821. hippocampi, 826. marginal, 822. subcallosus, 827, 869. H Habenular commissure, 812. Hair cells of spiral organ of Corti, 1057. Hairs, 1067. cuticle of, 1069. follicle of, 1067. gustatory, 992. olfactory, 996. roots of, 1067. scapus or shaft of, 1069. structure of, 1068. Haller, vas aberrans of, 1246. Hamate bone, 227. Hamstring muscles, 478. Hamulus of hamate bone, 227. lacrimal, 164. laminæ spiralis, 1051. pterygoid, 150, 180. Hand, muscles of, 456. phalanges of, articulations of, 333. skeleton of, 221. surface anatomy of, 1327. markings of, 1330. Hard palate, 1112. Harrison’s sulcus, 128. Hasner, plica lacrimalis of, 1029. Hassal, corpuscles of, 1274. Haversian canals of bone, 89. systems of bone, 89. Head, arteries of, 549. lymphatics of, 692. muscles of, 378. Head, muscles of, development of, 372. veins of, 644. Head-cap of spermatozoön, 42. Hearing, organ of, 1029. Heart, 526. arteries of, 538. atrioventricular bundle of His, 537. node, 537. atrium, left, 533. right, 529. component parts of, 526. development of, 506. endocardium, 535. fibers of atria, 537. of ventricles, 537. fibrous rings of, 536. lymphatic capillaries of, 687. vessels of, 718. nerves of, 538. sinoatrial node of, 537. size and weight of, 526. structure of, 535. surface marking of, 1311. trigonum fibrosum, 536. veins of, 642. ventricle, left, 534. right, 531. Heidenhain, demilunes of, 1136. Height index of skull, 198. Helicine arteries, 1251. Helicis major muscle, 1035. minor muscle, 1035. Helicotrema, 1050. Helix, 1033. Helwig’s bundle, 854. Hemiazygos vein, 667. accessory, 667. Hemispheres, cerebellar, 788. cerebral, 817. Hemorrhoidal artery, inferior, 619. middle, 615. superior, 610. nerve, inferior, 968. plexuses of nerves, 987, 988. vein, middle, 676. superior, 681. venous plexus, 676. Henle, loop of, 1223. Henle’s layer of hair follicle, 1068. Hensen, canalis reuniens of, 1054. knot of, 47. stripe of, 1058. supporting cells of, 1058. Hepar, 1188. capsula fibrosa [Glissoni], 1195. facies inferior, 1189. posterior, 1190. superior, 1189. margo anterior, 1191. tunica serosa, 1195. Hepatic artery, 603. branches of vagus nerve, 913. cells, 1196. cylinders, 1193. duct, 1197. flexure of colon, 1180. lymph glands, 706. plexus, 986. veins, 680. Hepatoduodenal ligament, 1151, 1157. Hepatogastric ligament, 1151, 1157. Hepatorenal ligament, 1150. Herbst, corpuscles of, 1061. Hernia, congenital, complete, 1187. incomplete, 1188. into funicular process, 1189. Herophilus, torcular of, 658. Heschl, gyri of, 824. Hesselbach, interfoveolar ligament of, 415. triangle of, 1221. Hiatus, aortic, 406. esophageal, 406. of facial canal, 142. semilunaris, 195, 995. Higher or cortical visual centers, 814. Highest intercostal artery, 585. veins, 666. nuchal line, 129. thoracic artery, 587. Highmore, antrum of, 159, 999. Hilum of kidney, 1219. Hilus of lung, 1095. of spleen, 1283. Hind-brain, 738, 767. Hind-gut, 53, 1101. Hinge-joint, 285. Hip bone, 231. articulations of, 238. ossification of, 237. structure of, 237. surface anatomy of, 1336. Hip-joint, 333. movements of, 338. muscles in relation with, 338. surface marking of, 1343. Hippocampal commissure, 838, 869. fissure, 746, 826. gyrus, 826. Hippocampus, 746, 832. major, 832. His, atrioventricular bundle of, 537. globular processes of, 68. Holoblastic ova, 45. Horizontal cells of retina, 1017. part of palatine bone, 167. semicircular canal, 1049. sulcus of cerebellum, 789. Houston’s valves of rectum, 1183. Howship’s foveolæ, 88. Huguier, canal of, 141, 904, 1039. Humeral articulation, 317. bursæ in relation to, 319. movements of, 319. vessels and nerves of, 319. circumflex arteries, 589. Humerus, 209. ossification of, 213. structure of, 212. surface anatomy of, 1326. Humor, aqueous, 1018. Hunter’s canal, 627. Huschke, auditory teeth of, 1055. foramen of, 145, 147. Huxley’s layer of hair follicle, 1068. Hyaline cartilage, 279. cell, 504. Hyaloid canal, 1018. fossa, 1018. membrane of eye, 1018. Hyaloplasm, 36. Hydatid of Morgagni, 1207, 1242, 1257. pedunculated, of epididymis, 1242. Hymen, 1266. Hyoepiglottic ligament, 1077. Hyoglossal membrane, 1132. Hyoglossus muscle, 1129. Hyoid arteries, 552, 553. bone, 177. body of, 177. cornua of, 177. ossification of, 178. Hyothyroid ligaments, 1077. membrane, 1076. Hyparterial bronchi, 1085, 1097. Hypochondriac regions, 1149. Hypochordal bar or brace, 82.