Frank J. Wilstach, comp. A Dictionary of Similes. 1916.
Category IndexLifeless to Puzzled
- Lifeless
- Lift
- Light (Adjective)
- Light (Noun)
- Lighter
- Lightly
- Like
- Likely
- Limber
- Limp
- Limp (Verb)
- Limpid
- Line
- Lined
- Linger
- Link
- Lip
- Liquid
- Liquidation
- Listen
- Listless
- Literature
- Lithe
- Little
- Live
- Lively
- Livid
- Loathe
- Loathsome
- Lock
- Loll
- London
- Lone
- Lonely
- Lonesome
- Long
- Long-Winded
- Look (Noun)
- Look (Verb)
- Lool
- Loom
- Loose
- Loosely
- Loquacious
- Loquacity
- Lording
- Lorn
- Lost
- Loud
- Lounge
- Love (Noun)
- Love (Verb)
- Loveliness
- Lovely
- Lover
- Loving
- Low
- Lower
- Lowly
- Loyal
- Lucent
- Lucid
- Lugubrious
- Lull
- Luminous
- Lure
- Lurid
- Lurk
- Luscious
- Lust
- Lustful
- Lustrous
- Lusty
- Luxuriant
- Luxurious
- Luxury
- Machine
- Mad
- Maddening
- Magnanimous
- Magnificent
- Maid
- Majestic
- Majorities
- Malicious
- Man
- Man-Worship
- Manageable
- Manful
- Manfully
- Manifest
- Manifold
- Mankind
- Manners
- Mantle
- Many
- March
- Marriage
- Married
- Marry
- Marrying
- Mars
- Masculine
- Masterful
- Masterless
- Match
- Mature
- Maxim
- Meagre
- Mean
- Meander
- Meaningless
- Meditate
- Meditative
- Meek
- Meet
- Melancholy
- Mellow
- Melodious
- Melt
- Memorable
- Memory
- Menace
- Mend
- Mendacity
- Merciless
- Mercy
- Merit
- Merry
- Meshed
- Method
- Middle
- Mighty
- Mild
- Mince
- Mind
- Mindless
- Mingle
- Mirth
- Mirthful
- Mischievous
- Miser
- Miserable
- Misfortune
- Mishap
- Mistress
- Misty
- Mix
- Moan
- Mob
- Mobile
- Mock
- Modern
- Modest
- Moist
- Molten
- Momentary
- Monarchy
- Money
- Monotonous
- Mood
- Mope
- Mopish
- Moral
- Morals
- Mortal
- Mortality
- Motionless
- Mottled
- Mount
- Mourn
- Mournful
- Mouth (Noun)
- Mouth (Verb)
- Move
- Moveless
- Muddy
- Muffled
- Multiply
- Multitude
- Multitudinous
- Mum
- Mumble
- Murder
- Murderous
- Murmur (Noun)
- Murmur (Verb)
- Murmurous
- Muscle
- Muscular
- Muse
- Music
- Musical
- Mutable
- Mute
- Mutely
- Mutter
- Myriad
- Mysterious
- Mystery
- Mystical
- Myth
- Naked
- Name
- Nameless
- Narrow
- Nasty
- Nation
- Natural
- Naturally
- Nature
- Naughty
- Near
- Nearsighted
- Neat
- Necessary
- Neck
- Need
- Needful
- Neglected
- Negligence
- Nervous
- New
- Newspaper
- Nice
- Nimble
- Nimbly
- Nod
- Noise
- Noiseless
- Noiselessly
- Noisy
- Nonsense
- Nose
- Notch
- Novel
- Nude
- Numb
- Numberless
- Numerous
- Oaths
- Obdurate
- Obedience
- Obedient
- Obediently
- Obey
- Obligation
- Obnoxious
- Obscure (Adjective)
- Obscure (Verb)
- Obscurely
- Observations
- Obsolete
- Obstinate
- Obtrusive
- Obvious
- Occupation
- Odd
- Odorous
- Off
- Offensive
- Office
- Ogle
- Oily
- Old
- One
- Oozing
- Opaque
- Open (Adjective)
- Open (Verb)
- Open-mouthed
- Opera
- Opinion
- Opportunity
- Opposed
- Opposite
- Opposition
- Oppress
- Oppression
- Oratory
- Order
- Orderliness
- Orderly
- Oriental
- Original
- Ornamental
- Orthodoxy
- Oscillated
- Out
- Outpoured
- Outrageous
- Outspoken
- Overcast
- Overcome
- Overflow
- Overtake
- Overturned
- Overwhelm
- Packed
- Pagan
- Pain (Noun)
- Pain (Verb)
- Painful
- Painted
- Painting
- Pale
- Paled
- Paleness
- Pall
- Pallid
- Palpitate
- Pamper
- Pang
- Pant
- Parch
- Pardon
- Paris
- Parted
- Parting
- Pass
- Passion
- Passionate
- Passive
- Past
- Pat
- Pathetic
- Patience
- Patient
- Patiently
- Patterings
- Pause
- Paused
- Peace
- Peaceful
- Peacefully
- Peaked
- Peal
- Pearls
- Pedantry
- Peel
- Peep
- Peevish
- Pellucid
- Pendant
- Penetrate
- Pensive
- People
- Perceive
- Perfect
- Perfection
- Perforate
- Perfumed
- Perilous
- Perish
- Permanent
- Perpendicular
- Perplexing
- Persistence
- Persistent
- Persons
- Persuasive
- Pert
- Pervade
- Perverse
- Phantasmagoric
- Philosophy
- Physician
- Pick
- Picturesque
- Pierce
- Piercing
- Piled
- Pinch
- Pine
- Pink
- Pinned
- Pious
- Pipe
- Piquant
- Pirouette
- Piteous
- Pitiable
- Pitiful
- Pitifully
- Pitiless
- Pity
- Place
- Placeless
- Placid
- Plain
- Plainly
- Plastic
- Play
- Playful
- Playwright
- Plead
- Pleasant
- Pleased
- Pleasure
- Plentiful
- Plentitude
- Plenty
- Pliant
- Plod
- Pluck
- Plumed
- Plump
- Plunge
- Pockets
- Poems
- Poetry
- Poets
- Poignant
- Point
- Pointed
- Poise
- Poison
- Polished
- Polite
- Politeness
- Political
- Politicians
- Pollute
- Pompous
- Poor
- Pop
- Popular
- Populous
- Positions
- Positive
- Posture
- Potent
- Pounce
- Pout
- Pouting
- Poverty
- Power
- Powerful
- Powerless
- Praise
- Prance
- Prate
- Prattle
- Prayers
- Preach
- Precept
- Precious
- Prejudice
- Prepared
- Preposterous
- Preserved
- Press
- Presumptuous
- Pretty
- Prey
- Prick
- Pride
- Prim
- Prime
- Primitive
- Prince
- Principle
- Privacy
- Private
- Privilege
- Prize
- Probe
- Prodigal
- Prodigious
- Productive
- Profession
- Profitless
- Profound
- Profuse
- Progress
- Progressive
- Prologue
- Prominent
- Promise
- Prompt
- Property
- Prophetic
- Proportion
- Prosper
- Prosperity
- Prosperous
- Protruding
- Proud
- Proudly
- Proved
- Proverb
- Provocative
- Prowl
- Public
- Puff (Noun)
- Puff (Verb)
- Puffy
- Pull
- Pun
- Punctual
- Punster
- Pure
- Purge
- Purified
- Purpose
- Purposeless
- Purple
- Pursue
- Pursuit
- Push
- Puzzled