Frank J. Wilstach, comp. A Dictionary of Similes. 1916.
A lip like Persuasion’s, calling on us to kiss it.
Lips just tinted like pink shells.
Lips that flamed like scarlet wine.
Lips like coralline.
—Arabian Nights
Dainty lips like double carnelian.
—Arabian Nights
Lips, as smooth and tender … as rose-leaves in a coppice wild.
—Thomas Ashe
Curving lips like wave half-furled.
—Alfred Austin
Lips like rosebuds peeping out of snow.
—Philip James Bailey
Music lives within thy lips like a nightingale in roses.
—Philip James Bailey
Her lippes, erst like the corall redde,
Did waxe both wan and pale.
—English Ballad
Lippes like roses dropping dew.
—English Ballad
Her lips were like pomegranate blossoms.
—Arlo Bates
A lip like ripest cherries.
—Beaumont and Fletcher
The Circassian damsel’s … lips are like taverns of wine.
—Beaumont and Fletcher
Curved like an archer’s bow to send the bitter arrows out.
—Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Lips shook
Like a rose leaning o’er a brook,
Which vibrates though it is not struck.
—Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Lips with such sweetness in their honeyed deeps
As fills the rose in which the fairy sleeps.
—Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Lips like the red of Christmas holly.
—Frances Hodgson Burnett
Her lips are like the cherries ripe
That sunny walls of Boreas screen.
They tempt the taste and charm the sight.
—Robert Burns
Her lips like dewy rosebuds are.
—Wilfred Campbell
Lippes rede as rose.
—Geoffrey Chaucer
Her lips are like two budded roses whom ranks of lilies neighbor nigh.
—Henry Constable
Lips gay like the rose.
—Lady Florence Dixie
Her lips are like the muscatel.
—Austin Dobson
Like rubies are created their two lips.
Lips as rounded as a cherry.
—Edmund Gosse
Lips like warm carnations.
—Edmund Gosse
Her lips are roses over-washed with dew,
Or like the purple of Narciss’ flower.
—Robert Greene
With lips, like hanging fruit, whose hue
Is ruby ’neath a bloom of blue.
—T. Gordon Hake
Lips that spoil the ruby’s praise.
—John Harrington
Red lips like a living, laughing rose.
—Laurence Hope
A quiet smile played around his lips,
As the eddies and dimples of the tide play round the bows of ships.
—Henry W. Longfellow
That open like the morn, breathing perfumes,
On such as dare approach them.
—Philip Massinger
Lips … like a ripe raspberry.
—Catulle Mendès
Lips like the carmine’s ruddy glow.
—Francis S. Saltus
Lips, like roses dropping myrrh.
—George Sandys
Lips … like roses ere they blow.
—John G. Saxe
Ruby lips … like rosebuds in spring.
—Stephen Smith
Her lips lyke cherries charming men to byte.
—Edmund Spenser
Lips like rose-petals blown apart.
—Frank L. Stanton
Lips like blood spilt on it.
—John M. Synge
Lips like the honeyed lips of Hylas.
—Bayard Taylor
Lips, parting like a loose bow, that just has launched its arrow.
—Bayard Taylor
My lips are like a thread of scarlet.
—Old Testament
His lips like lilies, dropping sweet-smelling myrrh.
—Old Testament
The red colour of her lips like that of a gourd.
—Vikram and the Vampire
From lips as the lips of Hylas sweet,
And moved like twin roses which zephyrs meet.
—John Greenleaf Whittier
Through the open lips shone visibly a delicate line of pearl,
Like a white vein within a rosy shell.
—N. P. Willis
Lipp’d like a lily, and as white as it.
—N. P. Willis
Like sunset were her lips.
—William Butler Yeats