Frank J. Wilstach, comp. A Dictionary of Similes. 1916.
Pleasant as youth with all its blossoms crown’d.
—William Cowper
Pleasant as a wave.
—Lord De Tabley
Pleasant as health.
—Gerald Griffin
As pleasant about the house as a gleam of sunshine, falling on the floor through a shadow of twinkling leaves, or as a ray of firelight that dances on the wall, while evening is drawing nigh.
—Nathaniel Hawthorne
Pleasant as the shower which falls on the sunny field.
—James Macpherson
Pleasant as the thunder of heaven, before the showers of spring.
—James Macpherson
Pleasant as the gale of spring, that sighs on the hunter’s ear.
Pleasant as budding tree.
—Christina Georgina Rossetti
Pleasant as a scented mouth to kiss.
—Algernon Charles Swinburne
Pleasant as roses in the thickets blown.
—William Wordsworth