
What Is The Role Of Confucianism In Ancient China

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Confucianism has helped the people of China for a long time, but not all of the things they have done has been beneficial for them. Confucianism was based around the ideal relationships between people in different roles that they play. The roles were the models for families, society, and government. To me the this was shown as something that benefited the people, because when someone grows up they start to understand where they stand in society and how to deal with certain situation that take part with people that are in higher power. For example, when interacting with the Emperor or the rulers emissary, that person’s relationship with them will be somewhat equivalent to the one they have with their parents, which would help them stay protected. The roles help the inferior because they are protected by the superior and in return they get the respect and obedience from the inferior. …show more content…

Confucius taught in a way that was on helping a child understand morals and on how to be a good student. To him it was about evolving the child into a better person not changing them. In the analect “I will tell you what it is to know. To say you know when you know, and to say you do not when you do not, that is knowledge.” Confucius is saying that as a student you have to say when you know things and say when you don’t because when you are saying that you something when you actually don’t, makes you seem ignorant and close

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