
Confucianism Dbq Analysis

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According to Confucianism a ruler should set a good example for his subjects because people follow the leader. If the leader is corrupt and acts as if he is above the law then people will copy him and act as he does. If the ruler follows the rules then so will the people. Legalists believe that people are inherently evil and a good military is needed to keep the people in check and to keep the enemies away. If the people revolt or if the nation gets attacked, a good military is necessary to fight back. Confucianism promotes a social hierarchy that is important to the stability of the society. It creates a social order that ensures that there is order and a hierarchy within society. So people respect the rank of the people above them, and …show more content…

Without a strong military they would be defenseless against attacks either from neighbors or from revolts inside their own nation. The Persians were aware of the need for a strong military and used to teach their kids from when they were five years old to when they were twenty years old, how to ride a horse and how to shoot a bow. (Doc 1) They trained their children from when they were young how to fight because they knew it is of utmost importance to have a strong military. In Sparta as well, the children were in school learning how to fight from when they were very young and because of this Sparta was able to defend itself from Persia when they attacked. They did however need to turn to Athens for help, because they also had military training that was superior to its adversaries. A ruler whose own nation revolts needs a good military in order to end the revolt and make sure everything goes back to normal because without that he would be vulnerable, and be taken over as soon as there is a revolt. A helpful document would be a primary source written by a citizen in a civilization that didn’t have a proper army (Egypt during the Old Kingdom) and how that didn’t work and they needed to create a proper

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