
The Importance Of An Exemplary Person In Confucius

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The exemplary person (junzi) is someone who is worthy of leadership and respect. To do one's utmost (zhong), observing ritual propriety (li), practicing filial piety (xiao), knowing what is appropriate (yi) and having a deep love of learning (haoxne) are crucial aspect to becoming such a commanding and versatile individual. These qualities, however, do not come easily as the way (dao) requires the types of habits and commitments that the average person would normally find excessive. Nevertheless, for those did who managed to persevere they found themselves walking the path towards harmony. Although some may have achieved harmony, the questions must be asked: how and why did these seemingly arbitrary ideas work? How does loving to learn and doing ones duty make a person exemplary? For Confucius this was no easy task to explain. Compounding the issue further is that many may find contradictions within the Analects itself. Despite this, these qualities do promote the type of virtues that, in mind of Confucius at least, can create what some many consider to be an exemplary person.

Doing one's utmost is something many may think comes naturally. This direct approach may seem easy on the surface, nonetheless, for Confucius doing ones utmost requires a much more nuanced approach. It is not enough for the exemplary person to do their best, but they must also aim to help their peers, community and superiors. When ritual propriety is observed and the exemplary person is

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