
The Differences Between Legalism And Confucianism

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Q: Han Fei Zi was known for synthesizing and refining the legalist theories and practices that had been developed before him. Explain his views on law, statecraft and power. Comment on the fundamental differences between Legalism and Confucianism.

Han Fei Tzu:
Legalism, is an ancient Chinese philosophy concerned with the art of rulership and the stability of the state. Along with hundreds of other philosophical schools, legalism emerged during the Warring States Period (453-422 BC), a time of intense political and intellectual turmoil. Unlike other schools of thought, legalism defined the strength of the state, through a system of punishments and rewards, propagated by common laws. Neither concerning itself with Confucian idealization of the past, or the morality of man, legalisms pragmatic system of governance, as best defined by Han Fei Zi, ended the hundreds of years of warfare and unified China. As aforementioned, Legalism was at the forefront of philosophical discourse during the Warring States Period. The Warring States Period was a time of both immense growth and conflict, as the remaining seven states fought over the dominance of China. Although through much of the Warring States Period, the Zhou Dynasty claimed dominance over China, by the end of the two-hundred and twenty-five year long period, the Kingdom of Qin emerged victorious. While much of the Warring States Period consisted of warfare, the era also saw the spread of philosophical ideas throughout

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