
Confucianism, Daoism, And Legalism

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Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism, are three Chinese ideologies in Classic China that held influence on how society should be, how to achieve order and what made government strong. Anyone that was a practitioner of these three philosophies would have had no idea how the Roman Republic or Empire worked in those regards. It would not be surprising if a Confucian, a Daoist and a Legalist had praise and dislike for how Rome was ran. A Confucian who might look upon the Roman society and government with most disdain and little praise. Confucianism stressed the values of ancestor worship, love for humanity and obedience for family and elders. Romans more or less gravitated to conquering land to expand the Republic or the Empire; because of …show more content…

That shaped a man’s inability to hold intelligence and that they are a lower man doomed to be selfish in the eyes to Confucianists. The Romans form of governments passed from the primary rule of the Senate in the Republic then to the rule of the Emperor in the age of the Empire. The Republic was an oligarchy meaning that only the top elite held positions of power, the patricians. Subsequently, the plebeians, the common peoples of Rome, after much fight, got a place in government known as the Assembly. They were able to make decisions on behalf of the common peoples and sort out local debuts. After the fall of the Republic, the Empire took control and the Emperor took most of the power away from the Senate. Confucianists viewed a ruler had to be kind but firm. A ruler should have the intellect of a scholar and needs to think people other than himself. Therefore, a ruler should not think of himself, or be doomed to be a lower man. In a Confucianist eyes, most to all the Roman emperors and Senate members would be seen as selfish and not honorable for not thinking of the plebeians . However, they would applaud the inclusion of the Plebeian Assembly, having the common people into governmental positions, specifically because a bright mind could be within the Assembly and could further the power of it. However, the Confucianists would not be pleased to learn that not all bright minds in Rome got an

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