
The Book ' Confucius Lives Next Door '

Decent Essays

The book “Confucius Lives Next Door” is a remarkable read for everyone but, in particular I felt it to be one for my generation I believe this book should speak to us on an academic and a moral level. There were points in this book where my brief study of Confucianism made me have little connections and a better understanding throughout the book, it felt good to have little “aha!” moments. The majority of my generation could certainly put the teachings of Confucius to use particularly the Confucian ideals of respect, responsibility and group unity.
This book begins when a man, T. R. Reid and his family moved from the small town of Castle Rock, Colorado where they were used to big, open spaces and American “values” to the busy city of Tokyo which had a population of nearly twenty-eight million people and lived under the teachings of an ancient man named Confucius. Reid’s family of five endured this culture shock due to Reid’s bosses at The Washington Post wanting him to take over Tokyo paper’s bureau. Soon, as they landed in the country they realized a significant difference in the airport staffs attire compared to America’s, they were in neatly pressed gray uniforms unlike the typical jeans and t-shirts American airport staff would be sporting and the complete difference in attitude of the staff as well.
Honestly, reading this book makes me feel like Americans are viewed as a bunch of selfish people who only care about themselves and even though I can find validity in

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