
Similarities Between Daoism And Buddhism

Decent Essays

In China, Both Daoism and Buddhism help to make China the way it is today. Daoism is a religion that is founded in China by multiple Chinese people. Buddhism is a religion founded in India by a singular Indian person. These religions have a way of being the same and different at the same time. One religion may be more Chinese than the other, but they are both successful and influential religions in China. Daoism and Buddhism are different in many ways. The founders of the religions are very different. Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, becomes the enlightened one before finding the religion. In Daoism, Laozi became a god in the religion after running away from China. Also, Zhang Daoling searched for gods to commune with to start …show more content…

The founders are alike because they both started out with high titles in their country, but decided that they did not want to have their titles anymore. Siddhartha was a Prince who wanted to solve suffering and Laozi was tired of his country and left. The founders of the religions also went on a search for something and found it. Siddhartha searched for enlightenment; Zhang Daoling searched for gods. They were both holy men. They religions also support the same way of life. They want the observers to be nice and helpful to people in the lower classes, and the nicer you were the better life you had. Both these religions are still around and being practiced today. These religions are influential, successful, and Chinese. They are successful because they are reward systems for niceness; the nicer you are the better off you are after you died. Also, there is a large community of both religions around today, so they are both a successful religion. It is hard to determine a more successful religion; Daoism is a large religion in China while Buddhism is a large religion in India and still in China and other places. These religions influence the Chinese culture by making everyone work together and help the lower class and making everyone still feel

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