
Hinduism And Taoism

Decent Essays

Compare and Contrast: Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism.
Both Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism in religious context compare through origin, philosophy, and their social structures including their outlook on women. These three religious show south east Asian roots, cultural beliefs, and social conflicts and solutions.
The origin and expansion of Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism are similar in that all of them were created in south east region of Asia and that they each expanded through the silk road in the late 6th century to the end of the 14th century. Buddhism and Hinduism are particularly the most related since both were constructed and reached its height in India. In contrast Taoism originated in China unlike Buddhism and Hinduism. Another …show more content…

Hinduism finds Karma to play a viable role in how our spiritual existence cycles out. They believe that whatever you do on earth can affect how nice your next existence will be. In Taoism, they come into a balance with a doctrine of “Tao.” A concept of a natural order within the universe. They believe that once they achieve balance and become one with Tao, they will become eternal and after their earthly death their spiritual existence will find its ways on earth once more. Other differences can be found within their religious texts and scriptures. Through Buddhism they have multiple holy texts which of one includes the pali canon meaning “the word of Buddha,” an instruction and a doctrine given to the buddhist people. One of their texts, The Vedas, is shared with Hinduism and is used to explain meaning behind their philosophies through sacred ideals and text. The Tao Te Ching is used in Taoism as the “Way and the Power” of their religious beliefs which is embodied in their day to day lives and Taoist temples throughout China. Hinduism and Buddhism have the same structures of worship which include churches, temples, mosques, and synagogues.
Additionally, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism can be compared through how they intertwine within society and what type of social roles they pose on the area of its effect. Socially,

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