
Similarities And Differences Between Taoisism And Confucianism

Decent Essays


Religions in the world have become more complex than just simple religious practices. Religions are now philosophies that people study and make a living from. Whether like Confucianism which focuses on society and Taoism which focuses on nature, peace and self discovery and love, these two religions or philosophies have been around since 550BCE. The main topics that will be discussed in this essay are primarily on the differences between these two main religions/philosophies of China - Taoism and Confucianism and discussing which of the latter using ,Foucault’s concepts of power would be a better alternative to manage power in the world today.


Taoism according to Lau (1963) “The English term 'Taoism' is ambiguous. It is used to translate both the Chinese term tao chia (the school of the tao) and Tao Chiao (the Taoist religion).” Taoism can be traced to philosophers Laozi “Old …show more content…

Foucault’s concept of power states there are types of power. They are as follows; Knowledge is power. - In confucianism, the key principle is that one gains the highest level of literacy and study to gain this power. To gain a position in the bureaucracy one needs to attain merit. Sovereign power is defined as the direct obedience of the laws of the king and the authority figures. In relation to the two religions, as where as taoism focuses on ones self, confucianism consists of principles that require obedience of laws of the king, their goals fall on having a structured society under the virtue of respect and belief that humans should respect those who are in power and whom are superior than them, these individuals either being elders or the bureaucratic clergy and authority. Disciplinary power is referred to as the mechanism of power in which the behaviour of

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