
Research Paper On Daoism

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Although sometimes called Daoism, Taoism was first brought to china in the “Eastern Han Dynasty” (25 - 220), with some where around 300 Taoist temples, where almost 30 thousand Taoists lived in. Taoism is the oldest in religion in the country. Dao means way so Daoism is often called ¨The Way or Path of Life¨. In its 1,800 years, Taoism also “influenced the local culture deeply”, especially to create common medicine and literature. There are also alot different kinds of Taoism. Some Taoism focuses on the study of ancient scriptures like the Dao De Jing.

At Taoist temples, people worship Taoist heros, historical figures, and gods. This type of Taoism is really common in China and even more in places like Hong Kong or Taiwan, that are outside

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