
Tao Je Ding Scripture : Explain The Life And Characteristics Of Lao Tzu

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1) (Smith 196-99; Tao Je Ding scripture) Explain the life and characteristics of Lao Tzu. How does the enigmatic character of Lao Tzu’s biography also reflect the enigmatic (in other words: mysterious, paradoxical) character of the Tao Je Ding? Give one or more specific example from this scriptural text citing the specific chapter.
1a) Taoism originated with a man named Lao Tzu. A shadowy figure, born about 604 B. C. Before his retirement from society, he left five thousand characters titled Tao Te Ching, or The Way and Its Power. He didn't preach he didn't organize or promote, he wrote a few pages on request, rode off on a water buffalo, and that was it as far as he was concerned
1b) the author of the scripture had knowledge of the world …show more content…

The more it moves, the more it yields.” In chapter 8, when the scripture says “The best of man is like water, which benefits all things, and does not contend with them, which flows in places that others disdain, where it is in harmony with the way” which is an example of human nature
3) (Smith 199-206; Tao Je Ding scripture) According to Smith, what are the three main Taoist approaches to power (‘augmented, hygienic, and religious’? Explain how each informs a distinct version of Taoism. Also give one or more specific example from the Tao Je Ding scripture citing the specific chapter.
3a) According to smith, the three main Taoist approaches to power were philosophical Taoism, augmented power, and religious Taoism.
3b). Augmented power was a distinct version of Taoism because by religious training it helped to increase the amount of power. Di²erent rituals were believed to release power in the form of energy during religious Taoism.
3c) Chapters 2, 5, 6, and 39 all discuss power
4) (Smith 207-11; Tao Je Ding scripture) Define and explain how wu wei is understood in philosophical Taoism. Give one or more example from Taoist scripture (the Tao Je Ding citing the specific chapter), Taoist morality, Taoist naturalism (water), and/or Taoist views on prolonged vitality.
4a) Wu Wei is basically action by

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