
Reflection Paper On Apple Company

Satisfactory Essays

In this reflection paper I’m going to talk about two topics. There are designing and managing the product and promoting product.
In the first part of my work I will use “Apple” company as example.
According to our book product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. It includes physical objects, services, places, organizations, and ideas. Product can be divided by four different levels such as core product, facilitating products, supporting products and augmented products. As example I chose Apple company and their core product is an IPhone. All of us know that Apple has kind of augmented strategy. Example is their accessibility of the product. Let’s assume my theory. I’m pretty sure that you know at least one person who told you that he or she is going to buy new version of iPhone when it will come to the store. Each year “Apple” produces and develops a new version of IPhone and presents it in autumn. They use limited accessibility in the initial …show more content…

It very important to develop three factors: quality, features and style &design. First of all, I want to mention a little bit about quality. There are two terms Product Quality Level and Product Conformance Quality. Level of quality supports the product’s positioning, while the product conformance quality points the product’s freedom from defects and consistency in delivering a targeted level of performance. So, the most important thing in each product is quality. Do we measure quality? My answer is yes, we can use 6 Sigma concepts. It is a Quality philosophy and the way of improving performance by knowing where you are and where you could be. For example if Apple use 6 Sigma, it means that their performance goal, representing 3.4 defects for every million opportunities. In another words, if they produce million IPhones, only 3 or 4 Iphones will be broken or

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