
The Marketing Mix Essay

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The Marketing Mix


Setting the right marketing mix for the product or service means that it including all of the important bases in marketing strategy. The marketing mix is generally established as the use and requirement of the 4P’s which is describing the strategic position of a product in the marketplace. One version of the beginning of the marketing mix starts in 1948 when James Culliton said that a marketing decision should be a result of something related to a methods and he described the marketing manager as a “mixer of ingredients”.

In 1953, Neil H, Borden took that theories in his teaching. The term "marketing mix" became popularized after Borden published his article, The Concept of the Marketing Mix in 1964. …show more content…


The 4 P's of Marketing

How much to offer? What price to offer? Where to offer and how to offer? These 4 are the necessary questions to which the business must find an answer and make the decision on it. These 4 P's relate the strategic positioning so that the returns are the maximum in any specified market. The mix is also used to refer to the combination of the media for the promotion such as means of communication and television, newspaper and magazines, advertising on billboards and the Internet.

Its goal is to make decisions that aim the four P's on the customers in the target market in order to generate perceived value and a positive response from customers. Marketing decisions generally include the following four controllable categories:


Nowadays, there are a lot more services available, such as those available online. Also, the characteristic between product and service has become more complicated (e.g., Web-based software application is a product or a service?). However, product here refers to products or services. The product or service features which should able to meet a specific, existing market demand. Or, it should be able to create a market position through building a strong brand.

The term "product" refers to tangible, physical products as well as services. A product is everything one receives in an exchange,

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