
Essay on Public Education

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Public Education

Education is an issue that touches everyone’s lives in one way or another. Whether you are a parent, student, teacher, taxpayer, or employee, the effects of education on society can be seen everyday. For this reason, public schools are a top concern among political leaders. Over the past twenty-five years, confidence in the nation’s public school system has dramatically declined. While the public for the most part seems to support their school district, criticism is not lacking. Recent years especially have shown dissipating support. It appears that the prevailing view is that public education, as a whole, is in bad condition and is in need of a renewed effort to fix it. Private schools seem to fare …show more content…

Although these actions demonstrate that the federal government does play some role in the educational system, most school issues have always been settled at the state or local level.

Local control of school districts has proven to have mixed results. Local control allows districts to experiment and keeps problems from one district affecting another. At the same time however, local control keeps good ideas from spreading quickly. Local districts have produced a diverse range of possible solutions to the problems that public schools face. Unfortunately, the huge amount of diversity that is present from district to district has also made progress harder to measure.

Like other important issues, those concerned with the nation’s educational system come from many differing perspectives. Each one of these perspectives has a different set of solutions for education in America. Liberals believe that the most effective way to improve schools is to provide more adequate funding. They strongly disagree with many of the Conservative solutions. Conservatives advocate for the raising of educational standards, the creation of student centered schools, and offering educational choices to parents. The Moderate perspective for education consists of a blend of ideas from both the conservative and liberal viewpoint.

Conservative Perspective

Conservatives have a number of solutions regarding America’s educational dilemma.

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