
Pt1420 Unit 1 Assignment

Decent Essays

1. Genetics and DNA provide the structure for living and in a social context in our everyday experiences in the world. By giving us a better understanding on describing human evolution. I believe that both genetics and DNA has challenged my conception of what it means to be human. The reason being is that throughout time science has been able to use technology that allows people to use genetics and DNA to create what they would call a “perfect human”. By that I mean a couple who is unable to conceive can get to a sperm bank and literally pick and choose how they want their child to look like. Another thing science has been able to do is cloning of others.
2. Yes, it is possible for scientific models of human evolution and religious stories of creation to coexist but to a certain extent. In my opinion, I believe being able to adapt to your environment and Darwin theory of natural selection. Which is basically described to be where the strongest one are the only ones who survive. But I do not believe the theory of an animal in this case an ape turning into the first human being. I feel like if that was actually possible why did apes turning into a human stop all of a sudden?
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The frequency of the sickle-cell allele in populations provide a good example of adaptation on a genetic level. Is from what the person inherits from both parents if the parents carry the gene. When it comes to demographics/culture Sickle-cell allele is commonly found in American Americans people. With geography location and climate has had a big impact on where the disease is commonly found. Mutations inherently are fairly neutral because it is different for each person. For instance, in the video “Malaria and Sickle Cell Anemia” the two sibling at the beginning of the video both had Sickle Cell. Sky life, health wise is a lot better than her younger brother who had to have surgery

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