
Online Learning Vs. Traditional Classroom

Decent Essays

Education is a major attribute to have in this new generation of technology. Education can also broaden your horizons in the job market, getting the best education is important whether it is online learning or in a traditional classroom. The key is finding the one that will be most efficient for your learning.

I would say online learning is more hard because I think there is a lot of unnecessary 1busy work assigned in my personal opinion than a classroom setting. Online learning has advantages as well such as being in the convenience of one’s own home and having the flexibility to an individual to watch the class lectures on their own schedule.

On the other hand, the traditional classroom setting is what people have been custom to until online learning was designed. Being in the classroom has its advantages as well for example one has the ability to engage and get immediate feedback from the educator and socialize with the other classmates in a traditional classroom setting. Secondly, the hands on training rather than computer training can be a plus for hands on learners.

All and all, with online learning having great flexibility and the traditional classroom having immediate interaction with the professor and students, which ever one an individual chooses to learn each one has their perks to get the best education for future enhancement. I personally chose online because of my busy schedule and I think it was the best decision to make to further my education.


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