
Benefits Of Online Learning At A University

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20.2 million; that is how many students in the nation are currently enrolled in college (“Fast Facts”). Of the 20 million, 5.8 million are enrolled in at least one online class (“Report”). With that said, one can conclude that face to face learning at a university is the popular choice among students in the United States. It is the most familiar way of learning, and for most students it is the best choice in order for them to succeed. The rate of students choosing to learn online is on the rise though. Many view it as the better choice of the two options because it is convenient and costs less. However, if one were to look deeper into the topic they would find that face to face learning has more immediate and future benefits than online learning, and is worth the extra money and time in the long run because of how many more opportunities are presented. One of the most prominent reasons why face to face learning is so important is social interaction and the impacts learning has on it. Social abilities still continue to develop in college, and if a person is participating in online schooling, there are less opportunities and situations where it can be worked on. This lack of development can affect a person both in current situations and in the future. In school, students must give presentations, participate in group discussions and learn how to interact with their peers and create positive relationships with them. Conversely, “how suitable is online instruction for teaching

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