
Traditional Vs. Traditional Courses

Decent Essays

Traditional Versus Online Courses Getting your education is a very important thing to do in your lifetime, and there are many ways to do so. The two most common ways of getting your degree, whether it be a high school diploma or a college degree, are online courses and traditional courses, which is face to face, classroom classes. According to the results of a new national research study (Karambelas 1), 78% of more than 1000 students surveyed still believe that it is easier to learn in a classroom, in other words taking traditional courses. So, when taking online courses rather than traditional courses, you should compare and contrast keeping up with your work, making sure you have a stable place to do your work, and managing your time precisely. When taking traditional courses, you have the advantage of a teacher reminding you of what your work is, and the due dates for class work and homework. You also have other peers in a classroom with you to help you out with reminders and even your homework. In a traditional class, it is easier to keep up with your work. When you’re in a traditional course, you tend to do most of your work in the classroom or at least learn most of your materials in a classroom. In traditional courses, you will always have a set schedule. Taking traditional courses will always give you a place to do your work because you have a classroom to get work done in and other school resources. When you’re taking traditional courses at a community college, a

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