
Essay Liberalism vs. Conservatism

Decent Essays

Democratic representatives scream about "right-wing conspiracy" while radio talk shows lament the evil of "liberal agenda." News broadcasters are branded as "chauvinist conservatives" by Hollywood pundits or "liberal bigots" by Christian broadcasting. Everywhere someone is firing the label gun plastering liberal or conservative on their opponents and many Americans are scratching their heads trying to understand the division and difference between both.

Liberalism, formed in the latter part of the 18th Century from opposition to existing political monarchies in Europe, was based on rights of individuals and the responsibility of government to protect those rights. Conservative philosophy was born as a reaction to dangerous tendencies …show more content…

Conservatives challenged this idea with the traditional concept of individualism. To achieve and contribute to American society each member should be held responsible for their actions, increase their education, and work to foster basic traditional beliefs of love for country and family, self-discipline in the young, and a unfaltering faith in God.

Today the basic ideals of liberalism have been distorted into principals that can only result in destruction of the traditions and values America was founded on. Liberals, through President Johnson's plan and support of the NEA, gained control of the educational system. Today public schools (government schools) disregard basic educational standards producing graduating students without basic math and reading skills. Conservatives turn away from government schools in disgust and home school programs are increasing across America. And guess what...teaching traditional values result in higher achievements for those students. To eliminate poverty liberals have increased taxes at every opportunity they are given. Our welfare program today is based on Johnson's own statement, "The game plan is to tax the country's producers for the benefit of those that don't produce." And look where that philosophy has taken us. The welfare rolls are filled with individuals that base their life on welfare checks. Now

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