
Level 5 Health and Social Care 503 Essay

Decent Essays

UNIT 503 Learning outcome Understand diversity, equality and inclusion in own area of responsibility 1.1.1 There are two models that link with equality, diversity and inclusion, the first one is the social model of disability which views discrimination and prejudice as being embedded in today’s society, their attitude’s and their surrounding environment. The social model focuses on who the adult is as person not what their disability or diagnosis is, the focus is on how to improve and empower the individual’s life and lead a more independent life as possible. The second model is the medical model of disability which views adults has having an impairment or lacking in some way, this model focuses on impairments that the adult has and …show more content…

There are a number of people who are institutionalised and because they are older this is unlikely to change. • Staff attitudes towards women for example saying “Hey girl” I respond to this by saying my name is Alison and I manage the service. I feel there is little respect of people’s positions within the organisation. There needs to be teaching of professionalism staff using appropriate language when in the work place. I feel undermined as a woman • Work policy systems for discrimination • Simple changes as everyone using the same mugs and staff having drinks at the same time as people who use the service. • Equality Act 2010 is the law that bands unfair treatment and helps achieve equal opportunities in the work place and wider society. • Promote – cultural diversity social work student on 9 week placement from the Check Republic unable spend quality time with her to discuss how the service • Ankar Hindu temple celebration of their 8 night festival • Health & wellbeing day promotion of healthy Asian finger foods for many people who attended the day this was a new experience including myself. 3.2 • it is important to promote equality and explain without causing offence why some practices are unacceptable “The key anti-oppressive component of personal ands social history discussed in chapter one understanding and valuing the cultural and spiritual heritage of families and

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