
Legalism Daoism And Confucianism In Ancient Europe

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Life in the ancient kingdoms of China, India, and Greece were very different from those in modern society. Most of these kingdoms had different sets of rules that were believed to bring peace and harmony into everyday life. In Ancient China,there were three philosophies that were dominant in the region: Legalism, Daoism, and Confucianism. In ancient India, there were two philosophies that were practiced: Buddhism and Hinduism. In ancient Greece, Plato’s and Socrates’ philosophies were the ones that were respected the most. The ideal ruler was shaped due to the influences of classical philosophies of India, China, and Greece according to the enforcement of the laws, the relationship to the people, and the ideal qualities of the ruler.
Rulers who were well versed in their philosophies ruled their kingdoms in harmony. In China, laws played a big role in the everyday society. Laws during that period was very harsh. If someone had broken one of the laws, they would have been punished harshly. That was what Legalism was like back then. According to Legalism, laws had to be revised and have harsh punishments in order “to wipe out evil deeds”(Document 6). In Hinduism, the sacred law of the caste system was to have have a different laws for each districts. According to Document 1, the most popular guilds were “teaching the Vedas for a Brahmin, protecting the people for a Kshatriya, and trade for a Vaisya.” The lower castes, such as the Untouchables, were looked down upon due to

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