
John Confucius Research Paper

Decent Essays

Confucius, who was born to a poor family in the middle of the sixth century and lived his life as a teacher or instructor to most of the Chinese culture. Confucius is one of the most protruding philosophers of ancient China. Confucius' childhood was not all golden paths and a walk through the park as many expect it to since he had preached peace. When Confucius was main the advisor, the crime level had almost vanished. The merchants and traders hadn't wanted to cheat of the customers since they had all followed Confucius teachings. Confucius with no hope left he had gone back to the library to learn more and he was writing not all but most of his teachings. At around age 50, Confucius became the minister in his home state, achieving his goal because the duke of Lu was impressed by Confucius’s wisdom. In the …show more content…

These practices, which Confucius describes traditionally, contain very conservative and moral ideologies. All three practices stress the importance of honorable values such as peaceful, equal influences, respect and concern for others, and self-respect. Confucius branches out to expand his meanings of the three practices, but the main traditional concepts remain the same. Finicality involves placing great importance on the care one has of their family members, and treating non-family members as if they were part of their family. Confucius found this practice extremely important in civilization, and believed that if everyone were "filial and friendly toward one's brother”, it would have its effect on the government and influence it in a positive way. Finicality, according to Confucius was a very important key to a collaborated government. As Confucius wrote "A young man is to be filial within his family and respectful outside it. He is to be serious and faithful, abundant in his love for living beings and intimate with those who are

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