
Is Conservatism Merely a Ruling Class Ideology? Essay

Decent Essays

Is conservatism merely a ruling class ideology?
A ruling class ideology as defined by Karl Marx is “the class which has the means of material production at its disposal, has control at the same time over the means of mental production... the ideas of those who lack the means of mental production are subject to it”, in other words a ruling class is the social class that decides and sets governmental policy. Traditionally conservative supporters have originated from upper and middle class backgrounds and its core themes such as the need to conserve and ownership of private property suggest that is in fact a ruling class ideology.
For conservatives a fundamental theme is to conserve or tradition, tradition leaves the ruling class in its …show more content…

It left the less wealthy worse off.
A further theme in conservatism is their belief in a hierarchical society, conservatives believe in a concept of 'accident of birth', they feel that inequality should be accepted, this helped the idea of natural aristocracy, where leadership is an inbred quality that cannot be acquired, be accepted by classical conservatives such as Edmund Burke. A hierarchical society benefits the ruling class completely, it permits those that are wealthy or have fallen into a place of high status be it a leader of a political party or a manager of a factory the opportunity to rule those beneath or less wealthy than them. None the less some conservatives believe in the idea of paternalism, where power and authority is exercised in over others with the intention of preventing harm, for 'their own good'. Secondly that those in power are taking on a burden for the working class who do not have to worry about the livelihoods and security of many other people and thus a hierarchical society benefits the working class too.
As conservative supporters traditionally come from a wealthy background, it seems a given that the conservative ideology favours the wealthy and thus they would want to protect it. However, under Margaret Thatcher a new right conservatism emerged. The new right although advocates a small

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