
Intelligence's Impact On Society : The Impact Of Artificial Intelligence

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The Impact of Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been in our world for quite some time, from the earliest working program-controlled computer created back in 1941 by Konrad Zuse, to Siri in our apple smartphones and an AI program AlphaGo that defeated a professional Go player Lee Sedol. “AI can encompass anything from Google’s search algorithms to IBM’s Watson to autonomous weapons”(Future of Life Institute,2016). Without any doubt, AI has been implemented into our society for quite a long time and is affecting our society in every way you could possibly imagine. But what exactly are their impact on our society? Are those impacts a good one? Or are they destroying instead? In the following, resources surrounding AI’s impact on different aspects of society, including aspects like jobs, economy, and safety. Since AI has been around, they started to take part in everything and started replacing human workers. One most significant example is most factories nowadays are using program-controlled robots and machines to perform high danger and repetitive task instead of having human workers to perform those jobs in order to increase the efficiency, lower the long-term cost, and also minimize the risk of having casualties. The impact of AI in the job market is enormous. And according to U.S. workers face higher risk of being replaced by robots. Here's why by Alanna Petroff, the impact of AI in job market is in fact, still growing and may widen the gap between

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