
Kevin Kelly's Better Than Human

Decent Essays

In the short story “Better than Human: Why Robots Will-and Must-Take Our Jobs” by Kevin Kelly on Page 299 in They Say/ I Say with Readings book there are various of positive and negative aspects of the story in which areas develops two sides to the argumenting point.In the short story “Better than Human” by Kevin Kelly there is a big conflict point in whether humans will end or create better jobs. Robots can effect employment in a negative way,as said by the author Kelly “It may be hard to believe… 70 percent of today’s occupation will likewise be replaced by automation...even you will have your job taken away by machines”(Kelly Page.300), this quote comes to show the negative aspect of robots taking over the world in the near …show more content…

Rather success will go to those who innovate in the organization,optimization, and customization of the process of getting work done with bots and machines”(Kelly Page.310), therefore, big business will have to worl hard towards collaberating with robots in order to maintain a successful business and for those who are starting out will have to work as hard to become successful in the robot industry. Robots will be able to work around the clock if they are constructed to last a good amount of battery life. Meaning that bots will be organized just as humans are in their day to day jobs, for example a set of people come in during the morning, then those morning people are replaced by another set of noon workers, and after those are replaced by night shift workers, in which being how i visualize the system would work as well. Robots will have to be programmed and built to last a good amount of time in order to keep the flow of the task that is given in any given day, as well as having back up robots in case one fails and just in a human example, if a person calls off for the day there will be someone else to replace that individual. Thereby, everything will depend on how fast a machine can fuel back up. There will not be fewer jobs, because every individual will have access to a robot as mentioned earlier, although success will not from simply owning a robot but working with the robot in order to innovate ,”Our human assignment will be to keep making

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