
Informative Speech : Video Games And Violence

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Topic: Video Games and Violence
General Purpose: To Persuade
Specific Purpose: My audiences will stop playing video games long enough not to cause people to exhibit aggressive behavior.
Proposition: We should not play video games for long periods of time in order to avoid addiction and aggression

Introduction: I. Attention Getter: * To start off how many of you guys play video games? (Video) Imagine you’re the person playing this video game. How do you guys feel after seeing this video? Do you feel angry that your character died? How many times would you play before you give up and turn off the game? II. Audience Relevance Link: Well it is basic human nature to never give up. Which is also what could lead to addiction and aggression. When we do not get the things we want in life we as a society tend to get a sour attitude whether it being our dream job or not getting a good grade on a test. III. Credibility: My brother used to play video games all the time. He would go to bed in the early hours of the morning after playing video games all night. When he used to play video games all the time he got a more aggressive personality. It could either have been that he was young and naïve or the video games themselves he played. Since then he grew out of playing video games every chance he get and it did wonders for his personality. He had just

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