
How Did Ronald Reagan Impact The World

Decent Essays

Ronald Reagan was a man who had very strong beliefs. He took office in 1981, when he had won his election against Jimmy Carter. Ronald Reagan had ran for office during the Iran hostage crisis so, America wanted a strong president that will hopefully get the hostages out of Iran. So Ronald Reagan had a tough crowd to please. But of course Ronald Reagan had won with the most electoral votes ever in a presidential election, with 489 votes. He had won a decisive victory against Jimmy Carter. Ronald Reagan was never very committed to his democrat party, but during his governor years he change to Republican party. Ronald Reagan was pro-life so he was against abortions and wanted woman in Supreme Court. I believe Ronald Reagan impacted the world greatly because he …show more content…

When he had became president he had many ideas. Ronald Reagan wanted to reduce the size of government, reduce taxes, take a strong stand against communist around the world, and try to renew America’s patriotism. Which he was very successful in these things but what he was really known for was that he ended the Cold War, made peace through strength, Nuclear Missile cut, cut taxes, and did a thing called Reaganomics. Reaganomic is when Ronald widespread tax cuts, decreased social spending, increased military spending, and the deregulation of domestic markets. Domestic spending restraint helped fuel an economic boom which lasted for two decades. From Reaganomic 16 million jobs were created as well. The name comes from supporters of Reagan's policies alike. This theory is that when Ronald Reagan decreases in taxes, especially for corporations, and that will be the best way to stimulate economic growth. It is also known as the “trickle down” effect. His idea is that if the expenses of corporations are reduced, the savings will "trickle down" to the rest of the economy, spurring growth. Reaganomic was a great idea and that help out America's

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