
The 80s Of Ronald Reagan

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The 80s of Ronald Reagan Anxiety is an emotion that works like a switch, and much like our political views it is susceptible to changes in severity. When people feel safe and secure, they become more liberal, however when they feel threatened the opposite may occur causing individuals to seek out more conservative principles as a mean of protection. In a country where the last two decades underwent great historical and social changes these tense emotions grew. The eighties were full of Americans who felt a constant unease. If we look at some of the previous decades such as the 60s, which were riddled with liberal movements, antiwar propaganda, civil rights protests and the rise of feminism we notice that the general population was at a …show more content…

The heavy criticism of liberalism during Reagan’s campaigns lead to his victories. Reagan was willing to lift the morale of the country, inject optimism and lead to victory in the cold war against communism. To do so, he decided to show his mandate in the recovery of the economic welfare. He made it very clear in the speech of his inauguration: “It is my intention to curb the size and influence of the Federal government.” and averred that the secret to America’s wealth was that “here in this land we unleashed the energy and individual genius of man.” The Reaganite mission to restore popular faith in capitalism and individualism as social norms made substantial head ways in the 1980s, gains for American conservatism that liberals have not succeeded in reversing. Reagan is part of a select group of political leaders, including Thomas Jefferson and W. Wilson, whose names because watchwords for political creeds and stances toward Reagan was indeed the guy for the job as his ideals and promises couldn 't been more like what the people wanted. Regan after cleverly dealing with Congress, he obtained legislation known as Reaganomics, based on liberal doctrines of stimulation of economic growth, reduction of inflation, increase of employment and strength of national defense. This economic policy, centered on the reduction of social programs and totally changing the role of the State in the economy, only

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