
Rankings of Presidents Based on Domestic Policy and Foreign Policy

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Ranking by Domestic Policy Rank President Explanation 1 Lyndon B. Johnson During Johnson’s presidency, the federal government significantly extended its domestic responsibilities in attempt to transform the nation to what Johnson called the “Great Society,” in which poverty and racial intolerance ceased to exist. A previously unsurpassed amount of legislation was passed during this time; numerous laws were passed to protect the environment, keep consumers safe, reduce unfairness in education, improve housing in urban areas, provide more assistance to the elderly with health care, and other policies to improve welfare. Johnson called for a “War on Poverty,” and directed more funds to help the poor; government spending towards the poor …show more content…

4 John F. Kennedy Kennedy called his new legislation program the “New Frontier,” with which he planned to promote educational support, aid to health care, redevelopment in cities and civil rights. However, he wasn’t able to keep many of these promises; Congress refused the pass most of his proposals, including a medical plan for the elderly, tax reductions, and more civil rights. He concentrated on promoting present civil rights, sometimes dispatching troops to enforce racial integration in schools. Although action to improve civil rights and health care wasn’t very successful, Kennedy still managed to improve the economy (e.g. Increasing minimum wage) and negotiate a limited ban on nuclear testing. 5 Ronald W. Reagan Reagan really focused on improving the economy during his presidency, with a plan he called Reaganomics, or supply side economics. The main parts of this plan were cuts on taxes and budgets, and monetary policy. Also, he wanted to reduce government regulation on businesses. He thought that these and increasing defense expenditures would heighten economic efficiency. Reagan managed to cut taxes by twenty five percent in three years. However, the plans did not work out at first, causing a recession that some call “The Great Inflation.” The national debt heightened substantially, and the rate of unemployment reached up to eleven percent. Despite these negative outcomes, the economy experienced a sudden growth and prosperity in 1983, which was

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