
Explain Why Students Should Not Be Allowed To Have Cell Phones In Class

Decent Essays

Failure to pay attention. Lack of honesty. Poor grades. These are some outcomes of allowing cellphones in class. Eight ball or word cookies may end up causing you to fail or miss an assignment. Students should not be allowed to have and use their cellphones because of inequality, distractions, and dishonesty. To begin with, students should not be allowed to have cell phones in class due to inequality. Even though most students have cell phones, some do not. Students may be embarrassed if they don't have a cell phone like all the other students. Another reason why inequality is an issue because of the lack of power sources. Not all classrooms provide outlets or have enough outlets for everyone to use. Everyone charging their phones at the same time or looking for an outlet at the same time would be chaos. Secondly, distractions are a big ordeal in class. Cell phones are a problem due to sounds and ringtones because they can cause a distraction during a lesson. Maybe in the middle of a test and all of a sudden a ding or a ring goes off. You get all sidetracked and then lose track of what you were thinking of or what the answer was. You may be tempted to want to play 8 ball or word cookies. In the middle of the game the teacher …show more content…

Allowing students to have their cell phones out can allow them to be able to go on the internet and look up answers to a test or class work. They could text another student and ask them for answers. Also,allowing students to have cell phones in class, can make a chance for cyber bullying to happen. A student that may not be friends with another classmate could capture an embarrassing moment for the student and post it to allow all of his friends to see it. Students could video or take pictures of a teacher during class which could get the teacher in trouble. Allowing cellphones in class will more than likely just cause lying and

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