
Explain Why Cell Phones Should Not Be Allowed In School

Decent Essays

Phones today are becoming more accessible to everyone, especially teens. As phones become more popular, they are introducing phones with much more advanced technology. People today can use their phones for way more than just calling and texting one other. Now people use phones to not only connect with others through social media, but to play games, search the web, and take pictures. Although phones have many valuable uses and students enjoy connecting with each other through social media, phones should not be allowed in school. Students shouldn’t be allowed to have phones in school because students can easily use them to cheat on tests and quizzes. According to U.S. News “More than one third of teens with cell phones admit to having stored information on them to look at during a test or texting friends about answers.” (Miners, “More than”). Many people already use phones to cheat now even when phones aren’t allowed, so allowing phones to be present in the classroom will give students easier opportunities to cheat. Cheating is also unfair to the students who study and work hard to make grades. So phones not being allowed in classrooms is a better choice so students will study and learn instead of just cheating using their phone. Another reason students shouldn’t be …show more content…

Some students may feel targeted and the increased use of cell phones may lead to students feeling insecure. People can use phones to record others which leads to the increase in people cyberbullying and being cyberbullied. Cell phones are also used to video and post fights from school, which negatively affects the school. Students should feel secure at school, but knowing that anything they do can be posted and talked about online with the push of a button causes many students to feel insecure. Phones being used to record students is probably one of the biggest problems phones could cause in

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