
Essay On Lame Hypnotic Patterns

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Frankly, I could go on for days explaining countless ways that NLP & Hypnosis can help both Men & Women become better lovers... AND... to find better lovers.
That said, this is just an article, and you're just looking for some juicy content that you can start to use immediately.

Before I get into the really good stuff, let me say that this isn't about being one of those cheeseballs with really lame hypnotic language patterns. Very far from it.
To give you a bit of a chuckle, here's an example of what I mean by lame hypnotic patterns:

I once had a student of one of my NLP Training programs tell me that he had a "great technique" he learned from his "Pickup Artist Guru", and he asked if he could share it in front of the class.

Because I could …show more content…

I then informed him (after I stopped laughing hysterically- which took a while LOL...) that I do believe it*could* work, but not because of the lame language pattern.

It could work, because he had enough confidence to dare to try something so incredibly lame.

It's the confidence that would work. Not the lame language pattern.
Anyway, here are 5 tips you can actually use that WILL work and will dramatically enhance your experiences in the bedroom...

1. Learn how to anchor peak states (both emotional and physical). If you don't know what an anchor is, in the simplest terms, it's an external stimulus that creates a consistent internal response. For example, it's like when you hear a special love song, and it makes you think about your partner in a romantic way.
That's just one example of many different kinds of anchors.

Anchors can be set via any, and or all, of our 5 senses, meaning visually, auditorilly, kinestheticlly (meaning touch), smell, and or taste.
One of many great ways to create a powerful anchor is to gently touch your partner's ear, or ears (some like tongue, some don't, but almost all like a very- very soft touch) during peak emotional and physical experiences. Yes, that means during

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