
Does Homework Help America's Students?

Decent Essays

On average, American high school teachers assign approximately 3.5 hours of homework each week, meaning that teens with multiple classes spend around 17.5 hours a week working on these assignments. In only 13 years, the percentage of teens that claim they spend an hour on homework each day has increased to 45%, from the 39% in 1994 (Bidwell). Parents and students across the country are beginning to spot the flaws in these homework methods, however, claiming that academics are merely being memorized instead of thoroughly taught. Is homework truly helping America’s students? To the majority of high schoolers, the answer is clear: homework is unnecessary for academic development. Over the years, multiple studies have shown that teachers with little experience give their students more …show more content…

The Department of Education claims that 1-3 hours of homework daily can improve grades in both math, science, and English. Pam Sammons, a professor at Oxford University, says that increasing the amount of homework in public schools would drastically improve students’ grades (Vasagar). According to multiple studies, however, the average middle or high schooler spends around 3.5 hours on homework daily - almost an hour more than the recommended amount (Bidwell). As math, science, and English only make up a portion of the average school’s core subjects, many classes would fail to benefit from this sudden and drastic increase of homework. Homework has been present in schools for decades; it’s been ingrained into our culture and lifestyle. In recent years, however, many have begun to take notice of the negative effects and unnecessary stress it’s putting on America’s students. The effectiveness and benefits of after-school work have not been questioned until now, when studies and polls have begun to show just how damaging it is. Will American schools ever make a change in homework culture, or will grades continue to

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