
David Mills Homework

Decent Essays

Refraining from Homework: Is It a Smart Choice? David Mills’s article published in Healthline, “Is Too Much Homework Bad for Kids’ Health?” is a piece focused upon the extensive amount of time consumed by homework by students of all ages as well as the subsequent health effects that typically result from the issue. With the assistance of multiple studies, Mills argues that current students are highly exceeding the national standard of allotted time for homework and instead recommends several alternatives to the problem, such as primarily focusing upon the assignments that they deem as of appropriate and beneficial quality. Although he specifically asserts that refusing to do the work altogether is one of the best methods to easily relieve the increasing pressure felt by students in vigorous schooling systems, it actually has the opposite effect: by delaying the work until later, students fall into an endless cycle of being …show more content…

Mills begins the article by touching upon the effectiveness of a no-homework policy. As explained, “They reported the no-homework policy has taken the stress out of their afternoons and evenings. In addition, it’s been easier for their children to participate in after-school activities” (Mills). Although this method has been expected to be advantageous for all students, this cannot be the case for all situations. For example, children in most schools, regardless of class difficulty, have homework count for at least some portion of their overall grade. If a student were to have a heavy load of assignments in all classes, the no-homework method may provide temporary relief. It would help ease their mind off of the topic and allow them to

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