
Differences And Similarities Between Daoism And Confucianism

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East Asia culture is composed of two main religious traditions of Daoism and Confucianism.
These two traditions seem to be completely opposed to each other but if we take a close look at both we will notice that they share some equal values. Even though East Asia has a couple of different religions and traditions they are all called worshiping. Chinese people are known to be worshipers since 2000 BCE, especially worshipers of the natural world that holds a cosmic energy. Daoism is a tradition that has been adored and worshiped by the Westerners. The tradition implies its followers to carry a simple life and be with coherence with Nature. It is required a prodigious self-control of the mental state and a great physical discipline. The purpose of this tradition is to prorate its people to be in unity with all things on earth. The removal of self-need allows a person to have a direct connection with the Universe and liaise with its ways. It is crucial for a follower of this tradition to detach from any standards or morals set by the society and follow the ways of the Universe composed of the cosmos. The lover of …show more content…

This tradition is well engaged with the society and is practiced in schools, government and religious groups. The people who follow this tradition are known to have an intention to cultivate and set a good order to society. Confucianism main focus is not heaven therefore is does not deny or worship it. It’s believed by this tradition that the human being has sufficient power in order to make a change in the world and set an example to be followed. Trough time its followers reach different levels of power and respect, the oldest is always respected by the youngest. The main goal of this tradition is to reach the highest level of education possible regardless of the spiritual level. Ancestors are very well honored, worshiped and are considered to be the examples that have set the moral

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