
Descriptive Essay Of A Restaurant

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Once I stepped inside the restaurant I automatically could hear the music playing at a moderate level and the laughter of the customers. Right off the back the restaurant's ambiance had a positive vibe. Mindful, it was a Saturday late afternoon. Mary Jane Burger and Brew is a local restaurant trying to stay true to its past. The granddaughter of the original owner now runs the place with the intention of serving good quality food where the ingredients are fresh, mouth watering, and surely not filled with antibiotics and all that other genetically modified elements found in processed foods. The vintage, rustic looking place, holds a small town atmosphere with a big taste.
The host sat my sister and I at a table in the middle of the dining area. A giant window let sunlight flood into the room and the speakers provided a good backdrop of music to help engage conversation. The restaurant itself seems fairly modern: leather seating, dark wood tables, and mason jar for glasses. It is the epitome of a hang out spot for any teen, millennial, or elder meetup. The staff caters to the needs of the customers and are always ready to help out in any way possible. I started the meal off with a glass of sweet tea that never made it lower then the halfway point. The waitress was always there with a pitcher of their home brewed sweet tea. The tea itself was not too sweet, it had the subtle taste of the bitterness that tea should have. In other words it did not taste like someone dumped a bag

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